Saturday, September 03, 2005


I won at poker yay m

I won at poker, yay me


Well today wasn't an out standing day by any means.

I was dragging my ass all day, didn't/couldn't get out of bed or seem to want to do anything.

Steph made dinner (all by herself) and it was quite good for someone who goes around saying they can't cook.  I think she has been lying to me.

She dragged me to her friend krusy's house where we were entertained by their 14 month old.

This kid is a genius.  He is running around, saying a few words, knows his body parts, and the coolest part- he is potty training himself.

He is so adorable.  I could steal him.

Once he went to bed we played poker.

I have yet to figure out why it is so cool now.  I remember 10-15 years ago when I wanted to play no one wanted to.

We taught Steph how to play Texas hold-em and I ended up wining it all with a flush.

Then we played euchre.  I had K as my partner and lost the first game horribly.  The whole time K complained about wanting a new partner.

We started the second game and a few hands into it Aden woke up and kept us all entertained while K and I won the second game.  It was about 12:30 ant T had to be up early for work so we left.

We dropped by A&P to pick up some groceries for the long weekend and made it home without incident.  

I had a salad while we watched some TV and now Steph is sleeping beside me while I write at 2:45 in the morning.

I'm going to call sunny on Monday.  I hope I get her since I don't know her schedule.

I'm afraid with her NYC accent I won't understand a thing she says but I have no doubt it will be fun.

I'm also going to try amber yet again.  I am very bad at calling people.  I just never seem to do it for some reason.

I often wonder what my life would be like if I just picked up and moved to France like I wanted to back in March months ago.

I still can't believe my mom just lent put my SUV without asking me if it was ok.

If I ever confront her on it I know what she is going to say as well.  She will try to spin it to make me out to be the bad and inconsiderate person.

I'm so excited for dinner tomorrow night.  Tacos.  I can’t wait only one sleep.

It is amazing how planning to cook meals is cheaper, and I am kicking myself for not buying those cheap chicken breasts the other night.  Of course they were expiring in a few days but if you freeze them they keep for months.  They were about 1.50 $ breast.  Damn good deal.  I've gotten them before and they were great.

I'm craving Jack's wings.

The annual wing ding (regional chicken wing contest) is in the next week but sadly I don't have the money to go this month.  

I can't wait until Steph gets a job.  We have this great savings plan set up and figure we will save 6,000 $ a year hands down.  

That means a vacation a year if we are frugal with out money and don't have to dip into the trip fund.

This month we would have saved 800 $ alone.

Steph agrees that it is a good way to save so I can't wait to start.

Our plan is to both pay the bills, and that way whatever our bills are (condo fees, electric, gas, cable, phone) is our saving money as well.

We're going to put it into a special high interest account and isn't easy to access our money.

It won't be like that every month, and we've talked about other nontrip reasons for withdrawing the money.

I'm excited because this time next year we could be on our first or even second with the trip fund.

Someone (I forget who) told me that it was a dumb idea but had no real argument as to how.

I hope Steph gets this job at TCH and not for the money; I want her to be out doing something with her life that she enjoys doing.

She has become very lazy, restless, unmotivated, and stagnant the past few months because she has done nothing.

She has even stopped really exercising and I think the weight/inch gain the last month upset her, hopefully enough to start exercising regularly again.

Everyone asks when we're getting married.  I keep telling them “when people stop asking”.  

The Mormons said the other night that if we get baptized that we would either have to get married first or live in separate houses so that we aren’t living in sin and having premarital sex.  I'm not sure how living apart would solve that problem.

I should call my cousin heather one of these days.  She's going to school for PSW.  It seems that is what everyone I know is taking these days.

LOL Steph is snoring.  I should have taped it.

Well it is 3:30 am and time for bed for me; I'm going to post this when I get up.

Friday, September 02, 2005





Well my computer is pretty much all installed in terms of necessities and now I can set up Steph’s account easily.

My Mormon friends dropped by today.  They brought another missionary today.  We had a great chat about Mormonism.

Some time over the next few weeks I'm going to have the bishop over for dinner.  That should be cool.

Steph had her interview today and she seems to think that it went well.

Because of the union rules she would be doing two part time jobs and get full time when a vacancy (and her seniority) allow.

I have discovered that I have under 400 $ to last me the month and it is the first day.  I have no idea (actually I do but I hate to admit it) this happened.  I feel like such an idiot for allowing myself to get into this position.  

I need to go exercise and clear my head.  

I feel a little better now, and it only took me about 50 min on the bike.  I’m exhausted and it is 4 am so time for bed for me I think, I haven’t had much on my mind the past few days.  Oww my finger is still not type ready, still feels more than a little uncomfortable.


Monthly exercise stats

Here are my stats for how far I have biked in the month of august. I got my bike on the 26th of the month which is why they are so low. I’m just going to put the final totals for the month up. Hopefully that will help keep me going through the next little tough time I have to keep going. I hate to admit that I need a total kick in the ass to do this but I do. I have even though of starting an anonymous exercise journal because I’m somewhat embarrassed of my inability to get back into shape and eat properly despite knowing how to do it. I just lack the willpower.

Month H M S Dst Cal Weight Days
Aug 05 4 34 10 99.3 3625 no change 6

Well I can’t wait to see how I do this month now that I have a bike for the whole month. I hope that come next year I’ve warn it out. Hopefully it’s built better than that.


Nothing exciting tod

Nothing exciting today


Well nothing exciting today. Other than getting a huge electrical bill.

It was nearly triple what I paid last month yet I used 1 kwh less this month.  Someone has some explaining to do tomorrow.  

There is no way I am going to pay 400$ a month in electricity, particularly when I am very concuss about making sure things  not in use are turned off.

We went out to a Chinese buffet for dinner and then decided to find a PS2 game.  

It wasn't at 5 points so we headed to the most evil store on the planet and one of the places I detest most on earth wall mart.

They didn't have the game either and we ended up at future shop.

They didn't have the game either so I go a team season instead.

I had a good bike ride tonight.  For the first 30 min I paced myself at 20 km an hour and then went another 20 min at whatever my legs could take me.  This was my second longest ride and missed top spot by a couple of minutes.  I could have kept going but Steph needed me to go to bed with her until she falls asleep.

She has an interview tomorrow and is also going to get her blood sugar and cholesterol.

Next week some time I'm going to the diabetic clinic for a four hour class.

I think that I'll go to my moms that night.

I'm starving.  I had breakfast at 5 pm or so and it's now 11:14 pm.

I finally got my palm pilot able to sync with my computer again so I can put all my entries on my blog.  

The downside is that it interferes with my palm pilot as well and I now have to readjust it as well.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


When life hands you a lemon...

When life hands you lemons...

30-08-05 nicely and say thank you.  Then when life isn't looking throw the lemons away.

Today was one of those days.  I just didn't want to get out of bed, or do anything.

I struggled to do thirty minutes on the bike but I did and went farther today than any other thirty minute ride to date.

Steph has an interview on Thursday at TCH retirement home.  She doesn't seem overly excited or nervous about it.  I know she'll do fine but she does need to do some preparing.

Helen got a phone call today from her PSW teacher.

She didn't pass the entrance test because although she got the question right the teacher did not count it because Helen used only one sentence to answer it.

Ahhh that great double think takes me back to when Steph was there and was told similar things that make no sense.

Now Helen thinks that she is stupid and not worth anything and that if she doesn't pass it next time then she'll just quit.

We went to the S's tonight and had a good chat with them and the missionaries.

They seem like a really nice couple and have a very uniquely decorated gorgeous home.

She loves antiques and collects some of the oddest things and manages to show them off in beautiful ways.

They also have four or five really cute dogs.  One of which likes to steal the sock off your foot if you're not giving him attention.

While we were there one of their dogs farted and holy bean burritos did it stink.

The first time it farted I was in the middle of saying something and I got caught up trying not to laugh I found it so funny.

We (Steph and I) watched the aviator tonight.  Wow it is a long movie.  I really liked it but wow it was a long movie.


Yay I have the net again - my modem broke

Yay I have the net again - my modem broke


Well on the good note I ended up getting my new modem today, and as soon as they changed it the net worked.

Now I'm installing all those programs I have, and downloading the ones I need, and copying over the files from backed up sources.

I found a couple of blank CDs so I'm also going to back up some (as many as I can) pictures just incase.  I lost two years worth of pictures once and I wasn't happy about it.

Steph came back this morning and was glad to be home.  I wanted to sleep until 10:30 but she would not let me.

It always amazes her that I can sleep through the buzzer of the alarm clock.

My poor sore finger is tender but with mild discomfort I can type again which is thrilling

Again today Steph did nothing about finding a job which is frustrating because in the real world you do not get a weekday off to recover from the weekend.

I wonder if I should remind her about our deal come the end of September.  

It is that if she does not spend a minimum five hours each weekday looking for work, the time September’s bills are due she looses her privileges for personal use, and I will provide her with the extreme bare necessities until she gets serious about looking.

I know that sounds mean and I don't want to do that but if it takes tough love then I'll give it.

We also before her PSW course set out a plan and it said that she would have a job in July, that way I could afford to go back into acting.

She did not comply, and I have continued to support her.

What makes it so bad though is that she complains about not having a job, but then does nothing to get on.

In the last month she has put out maybe twenty resumes over two days and that has been about it.

She has even turned down tow interviews saying she was looking for a PSW job, and then she didn't go out and look for a PSW job.

Gizmo is funny.  She has extra fur that covers her pads on her paws so she can't walk very well, and if she ever runs her method of stopping is sliding until either she runs out of momentum or collides with an object thus stopping her.

Quite often it is the back sliding door window that she uses to stop.  The evidence is little nose smudges, and odd clumps of hair stuck to the door that gets left after a resounding thump.

Mahdeea (I think that is how you spell her name) still dose not seem to get along too well with gizmo.

A half hour on my bike right now burns off the calories from one 710 ml bottle of coke.

I created this awesome spreadsheet that can track my weight and several other exercise statistics and break them down several ways.

My favs are:
  1. monthly comparison of time, distance, calories burnt

  2. a breakdown of my weight compared to my staring weight and previously entered weight.

I'm such a geek some times.  I figure it will motivate me by having to create the data to put in, and give me a goal to beat or maintain.

Helen is all nervous about her PSW course and whether or not she even got in.  I keep telling her how smart she is and that I know she can do it, and since she has wanted to do it back in high school the drive and wanting is there.

Well, the computer is pretty much up and running now.  Still have some things to install that are important (such as programs to take this entry from palm to computer).

I finally got some new movies.  Electra, National Treasure, and Aviator.

We watched the first two.  National Treasure skips in a few parts and Steph is going to take it back tomorrow when she goes to the doctor.

I have been riding my bike every day and can last at a good pace for about thirty minutes.  I think I will keep that thirty minutes until the start of September and then try for forty-five a coupe of times a week.

I have yet to use those arm things that came with it, and wish that I had some sort of computer programmed workouts but if I keep up the riding the next one I get will definitely have that.

On our way home tonight (between marry and Sarasota) Steph got hit in a drive by.  It wasn't a gun shot.  In fact we have no idea what hit her.

It seemed to bounce really well what ever it was.

As the black van (with its lights off) sped pat us, I heard and saw the sliding door close.

She is fine and only got a small bruise.  She was at the time very shaken up.

I assured her that it was totally random (we were the only two people around) act by a bunch of punks who watch too much brain rotting jackass and will probably have very shitty lives and that if they really wanted to hurt her they could have.

Oddly about five minutes before hand I had the voice telling me about Steph getting shot in the leg during a drive by.  

Tomorrow night we go to a "Mormon" house to get another couples perspective on it.

I'm excited for Steph to tell her story from the last time the missionaries were here.

It is a few entries back about Steph having her prayer answered as to the direction she wants to go in life.

Well I'm pretty exhausted and with Steph home now can't really spread out for a good nights sleep.

Hopefully I can post these entries soon.  I have four or five of them


More things broke

More things broke


Well 2 hours after I called the ISP tech help (in India, I asked) they gave up on me.  After another hour on the phone (with the domestically located help) they said that someone will come out tomorrow between 11 & 2 to check out my modem and connection.

They can connect to my modem but not my PC.  

I know it is not my computer because I formatted it yesterday and I can not connect either wirelessly or directly connected to the modem.

I miss my OD and not having any new podcasts.

But getting to the title.  I plugged in my air purifier (a little under a year old) and it isn't working.

I need it desperately as one or all of my cats took a leak in the basement bathroom and the stench is overpoweringly gross.

And my mop broke while I was getting it out so that I could scrub the floor.

I gave it a quick fix that I will regret in a day or two when I get a mop (next to impossible to find replacement heads) and go clean it.

So here I sit in bed at 3:50 pm trying to cool off after a 40 minute bike ride trying to cool off.

I feel so brain dead and blaw.  I have to struggle to focus, and try very hard not to spend money wastefully.

I want a snail mail penpal (if anyone is interested) with whom I can share, talk about life, and have deep conversations with on any number of subjects.

I love pen pals but sometimes I don't write for six months or a year and when I finally do they are mad and don't write back.

If you're interested leave me a private note with your email address.

Steph comes back tomorrow morning and you would think that I would be monopolizing as much time in bed as possible but I'm not oddly enough.  But last night other than the caffeine waking me up it was a good sleep.

Right now I'm torn between ordering pizza and eating left overs or making something.  If I didn't know better I would swear that I've caught Steph's inability to make a decision.

Helen called me a bunch of times tonight and it turns out that her new husband (for the time at least) has changed his asshole ways.

She is all excited about going to school for PSW.  She is going to take it at the same school Steph took it.

I asked her if this is what she wants do with her life and she gave me a resounding yes, and that she wanted to do this back in high school.

I think she will be great at it.

Gizmo is freaking me out.  She is running around jumping and pouncing on something I can’t see.

Well it is now after two am and I have to get up at nine thirty so I guess I should put down my PDA and read myself to sleep.


I hate computers and

I hate computers and the problems they cause

27-08-05 9:21 pm

I despise computers and the internet.  Neither one seems to work very well for me.

I was downloading an interview from so I would have something to listen to tonight while I was away when my net just stopped working.

I tried the usual things that I do when it happens and none of them worked.

I even broke my computer apart and reassembled it in the basement so that I could plug my computer directly into the net.  Again with no luck.

I hulled its ass back upstairs and reassembled it again and tried some desperation tricks.  At some points it would not even connect to the router.

Then I created a new network and that didn't solve the problem so I have decided to format the computer and if it doesn't work after that I'm calling my ISP.

I almost got the keyboard for my palm pilot the other day.  I wish I had it right now but most of the time I'm righting in bed or in a place the keyboard would be useless.

I've been listening to Great Big Sea all day.  They are/were my favorite group.  The pretty much sold out (as it seem all great Canadian groups do) the past two albums which coincided with them trying to break into the US market.  I don't blame them they want the fame and money just like everyone else.

Fuck its taking hours to back up my computer.  I should just keep my documents on my D drive.

I had chicken wings for dinner.  Not the ones from JFS but from the polish food place.

I realized that if I whore a pair of medical gloves that my finger would be kept clean, well it worked brilliantly and made cleaning up so easy.

I got rained on going to buy pop tonight.  I actually would have made it, had it not been for some rather bad policies of a certain major video rental company.

I wanted to buy two DVDs and a ps2 game.  Well I had forgotten my membership card, and that meant that to complete the transaction I had to show picture ID with my name, address, and signature.  

I produced my passport (I love using it because it creates a debate).

They told me that my passport is unacceptable because the address is written in by the owner of the passport, not typed in by the issuer.

I pointed out that it is an official Canadian document photo ID, and the most accepted form of ID in the world.

The still said no.

I had them confirm that I am in their system along with my girlfriend, and that all the info I gave them matched on their computer and my passport.  They said yes.  

I was still refused and told that they would hold them while I went and got another form of ID.  

I told them not to bother because I was going to (insert main competitor here) and buy them from there even if they cost more and all because of a moronic rule the will loose hundreds of dollars in business from me, and countless more from people I tell.  I walked out.  

Looking back as I left the crowd that gathered seemed a little awe struck.  I herd a few comments through out the whole ordeal to just sell me the items, and a few hinting I was being an ass

I ran into one of Steph's friends and got their new address and phone number.  We're invited over to their place any time we want to play poker.

Steph stood unto her parents and told her mom why she doesn't go down to visit them as often as they want us too.

Her moms reply was that she does in fact like me and that her dad was raised a certain way and that’s why he is like he is.  

When they are apart they are great people.  When they are together they are miserable to be around.

Steph was a little annoyed at the fact that a letter her dad said he would mail last week was still at their house.  It is very relevant to her ongoing legal dispute.  When she asked to have it sent she made that clear to her father.

It is 11:38 pm now and I am about to start the formatting of the computer.  While it takes me months to install everything I need, lets see how long it will take me to install it to a functioning working computer.  The list to install is in no order:
  1. Windows xp

  2. sound

  3. wireless network

  4. printer

  5. palm desktop

  6. documents to go (so I can post the entry)

  7. ms office

  8. quicken

  9. pocket quicken

  10. copy all my documents back to the C drive

  11. digital camera software

  12. antivirus software

  13. all xp updates

  14. ipodder

  15. adobe acrobat

That is the basics not including games, things like codex, chat programs, and misc ones I don't use often.

Installation Timeline

11:48  pm - started the formatting.

12:11 am - start installing xp
12:24 am - went to eat (still                        installing)
01:01 am - back from eating.  At blue first time running xp screen
01:05 am - xp installed, setting up desktop/settings
01:20 am - start installing wireless network
03:06 am - tried to install wireless network, did nor work so I took the computer apart and moved it downstairs so I could plug it directly into the modem.  Still doesn’t work.  Am going to bed and I'm going to call tech support when I get up if it is still not working.

Steph's brother is going to get a class ring for graduating grade nine.

Steph’s nose is out of joint a little because he wanted one when she graduated high school and she didn't get one.

This hasn't been my weekend.  I got rained on, massively scratched by gizmo, my computer is on vacation, and I’m alone.

How nice it was of Steph to take off for the weekend when she knew I was sick and not feeling well.

I can't blame her though, I've been a winy asshole the last day or so.

I just haven't been feeling right lately.  Just kind of out sorts.  I can't really explain it.  

I guess I'm going to try and get some sleep.

I found out tonight that I can't write diary entries while I'm on my exercise bike, at least not very easily.


Using a sledge hammer on my new exercise bike

Using a sledge hammer on my new exercise bike

26-08-05  4:59 pm

The title isn't as bad as it sounds.

In step one I was to extend the seat all the way and I could not pull it out no matter how hard I tried or how much leverage I got.

I figured that it was stuck, and when things are stuck I use the sledge hammer.  With a gentle tap out it popped and now slides perfectly.

I took it for a test spin of 1 kilometer and while I don't like the arm exercise arms that are attached to it, I really do like the bike.

The one hour project to put it togeather took me about three.

Steph had a weird experience, and I think may have freaked her out a little.

The Mormon friends came by to chat and see how things were going.  Yes this is part of the story.

Before they left they wanted to pray and for the first time since they have been coming Steph did.

One of the things that she asked for was direction in her life.

Shortly after they left we headed out to do our earns.

We didn't get far and I noticed
I was wearing my wrong shoes, and headed back to change them.

While back home Steph called her paralegal to talk about the letter.  

He said that he explained the changes and his feelings about them, and Steph agreed that the original letter was fine. She was told to fax it in about fifteen minutes.

So we waited and during that time compare (a psw job) called asking if she was still interested and she said yes.

Then Steph thought that it was a sign that her prayer was answered.  Particularly because of the events that lead us to be home when the call came.

She faxed off the letter to her paralegal and then we left to errand.

First off was the bank where I took out 200 $ in 5s. The bank teller lady wasn't shocked and even said she thought she saw me before.

Then après the bank we went to get pina coladas and daiquiris.  I had the PC.

We then got cards for TI, JM, and Steph's grandma.

We looked around a little and then went home.

We had pizza for dinner.

Then I said that I didn't feel like going and Steph had to tell me that I was being childish, immature, and other demeaning thing.

Then I told her what she said that she didn't know why she said that stuff and got all upset.

She doesn't get that I'm feeling funny and strange.  I just don't want to go.  I don't have any real reason.  I just don't feel well and it way goes away tomorrow morning.

I haven't even started packing yet which is odd for me.

Steph is worried about me, and I'm fine but she doesn't believe me.


I had a reason Fridge Pants

I had a reason... Fridge pants

26-08-05 12:10 am

Well to start off with the ongoing legal battle.

The collection agency did not call at all today which makes me wonder what they are planning.  I am willing to bet that they are going to forego any other attempts to collect and go straight to court.

The paralegal sent a draft of the letter today and Steph thought that it wasn't quite strong enough so she sent some ideas to make it hit just a little harder.

They were that we have requested information three times by phone and was denied, as well as denied any explanation as to why in wrigheting.

The other one was that either the provide documentation, or stop calling and if they don't provide documentation by September 2 05 then any communication with them will be considered harassment.

So on that front things are going well I guess.  I'm assuming that the letter will be redrafted and faxed to the collection agency tomorrow.

My exercise bike comes tomorrow and with my superb mechanical skills should be rideable around Christmas.

Steph is finally going to look for a job tomorrow and hopefully by next week or so will be working.

I feel so out of touch with reality yet at the same time I am more in touch that most people.

Oh apparently the leafs signed some good players.  

I heard that lindros was one of them.  For 1.1 million or what ever it was could be a good price for some one who may not play more than three games.

We broke down and are going to two birthday parties this weekend.  Tony (J's uncle) and J's.  They are turning 40 and 30 respectively.

Ohh I wonder if the Jays are in town.  We can kill a few hours going to a Jay’s game.  

Steph has never been to skydome (now the Rogers center but I refuse to call it that).

I have so many pictures to post, and some time next week I'll do an entry devoted to the 30 or so pictures I want to show off.  Some one remind me.

So we ended up turning down Steph family and while I feel bad, it will be easier to go see them when we get our SUV back and everything else is settled.

Steph is talking to mom2some tight now and it sounds like two long lost friends.  I've talked to her as well in the past and she is really quite a card.

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