Saturday, July 09, 2005
Horrifically bad day
It started off with over an hour at a lab to get some blood work done. They wouldn’t let me go home until I pissed in a cup. Yet I had to fast for 8 hours (it ended up being about 10) and with nothing to eat or drink in that time I have no idea how they expect you to pee in a cup on demand.
I had the most incompetent lab tec ever. She stabbed me 3 times and dug around under my skin looking for blood, and said that I was being uncooperative because I wasn’t staying still. I have one bruise on my left arm that is about an inch long and ½ an inch wide. It took her 4 tries to draw blood.
Today was bad from the start however. I got my shortwave so I could listen to a program during the day without being glued to my computer, well guess what. I can’t get it clearly at all, of course the repeat that is on at 10 pm to 1 am I can get clearly. Damn it.
As I was waiting for the show to come on I was writing my thoughts down on the recent London bombing and needed to spell a word so I called my mom to ask. I was too lazy to look it up. I was then promptly accused of being a terrorist and working with al-CIAda.
The back splash got put in and it is about the only thing that went right.
So while I was listening to my show with one ear phone (my mic has only one earphone and despite saying they were supposed to be working my speakers weren’t) Steph came home, and from the moment she walked in the door she was nothing but negative, winy, and being annoying and rude.
About 3 hours after she came home I told her we had to put the vent for the stove back up before we go to bed. She decided to do it so I tried to get her to help. This is where the day just fell apart.
She couldn’t get the screws in so she said she would hold it while I was screwing them in. So I would line up the holes and ask her to hold it while I got a screw. Well every time I let go it dropped just enough that I couldn’t find a hole anymore. She literally started crying about it being so heavy and yelling in my ear to hurry up. I showed her how to hold it so it wouldn’t move and explained calmly that if she could hold it remotely still I could get the screw in and she could let go. Well after another 10 attempts or so on the second screw and with her wining and screaming in my ear to hurry up (and not paying attention to holding it still) I blew it.
I ripped the range vent off, kicked a few boxes, threw the screws and screw driver, and smashed my berky light. Maddingly one of the filters broke and it will be 4-6 weeks with no filtered water. I tossed my golf clubs and a few other things and cursed and said a bunch of stuff about how she has brought my standard of living down and told her to pack up and get out.
Just then the kitchen lady came to go through the kitchen and as I walked through the kitchen I saw flames coming out of the vent that was sitting on the stove top. Where Steph had been bending over one of the elements were on.
We were seriously inches away from a huge fire, but I managed to put it out. By the time I had done that the kitchen lady was gone, and my new cook top was ruined with baked on chemicals from the towel that was on the cook top to protect it.
She then cried and wined again about how she is stupid and it’s all her fault, I really am only about 90 % sure that she’s the one who accidentally turned on the element. After trying to clean the cooktop we tired to put the vent hood up again.
This time I held it, (like the plan was the first time) and she was to screw in the screws. Well it only slipped once when I held it, properly the way I had shown her before. She managed to get the two screws in and we couldn’t get the other 2 in without a power tool.
I couldn’t find my drill so dejected I went to lay down. Steph wouldn’t let me rest in peace. She was wining and asking me the same questions over and over again, and not listening to my answers which were, I don’t know I need time to think. Finally (and thankfully) she let me have a nap. I was so exhausted from getting 3 hours of crappy sleep and emotionally drained.
After about a 5 hour nap I got up and tried to call mom2some and she wasn’t home, dejected I went downstairs to find out Steph had bought me pop, hotdogs (not enough buns for them all) and was babysitting Helen’s kid.
It turned out that Helen was supposed to be here to pick up her son at 10 and at 12 she still wasn’t here, nor had she called to say she was late. Finally Steph called her, and Helens excuse was that her finance was to blame.
I fail to see how she couldn’t have called and said she was going to be late but that’s me.
Helen showed up to pick up her child about 12:45 am. She took her 6 month old home and said she would be back today to pay Steph. Steph said that Helen apologized over and over for not calling.
Steph agrees with me that she isn’t going to look after Helens baby again. Helen is just too irresponsible. Steph thinks that Helen has gone through many babysitters doing the same thing. Saying she’ll be home, and showing up hours later without calling or letting anyone know, not realizing how big of an inconvince it is to the person looking after him.
Steph went to bed and I decided to work on my family tree. While I was doing so the computer restarted itself and when I reloaded my family tree the file was totally corrupted and wouldn’t even open so I had lost all the work I had done, and all the work Steph had done.
I started to redo it from the information I have and it restarted again, and what I had just done was lost again.
The third time it worked fine and I have what I had before give or take a little bit, I still have hours of adding pictures and stuff that I had done just before I lost it all the first time. Steph was asleep so she doesn’t know yet.
Oh yea, I also got a shipment and one item was left out, of course being sure I had ordered it I went and checked my order and it wasn’t listed. I am still sure I ordered it as I have been for 4 months now regularly; however the shipping manifest had it left off, and it wasn’t in the package.
Other small things have gone wrong but I don’t want to dwell anymore right now. Back to redoing my family tree.
I’m a terrorist… WTF????
92 % of the people in the US think that the government killed Kennedy. Yet my mom thinks I’m a nut for saying that; which makes me a nut along with some 200 million people out of about 300 million.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Who really bombed London
My heart goes out to the Londoners who where bombed by
their own government
I hate to have to write yet another one of these articles
in which the few hours of a major terrorist event do not add up with what is put
out later.
George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth seems to no longer even
retract new stories and favours for just editing them in real time. A case in
point is what Associated Press did yesterday.
Associated Press reported that on an Israeli State
Television Station it was reported that Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu was warned of the bombings before the first explosion. The Finance
Minster was supposed to be attending an economic conference that was to be held
just above one of the targets.
When the first bomb went off the Israeli Finance Minister
was comfortably in his hotel room, and not en route as he should have been, the
site of the first bombing.
Later AP didn’t retract that story but changed it in real
time to say that the Israeli Finance Minister was warned after the first
There will be records that will come out about when the
Israeli Finance Minster cancelled his attendance at the event, and why he wasn’t
on his way to the conference. I’m sure someone somewhere has a copy of the
Israeli TV news article that states the Finance Minister was informed before the
first blast. But let’s forget about that for now.
According to the timeline the first blast went off at 8:49
am. At 9:40 am the police are issuing statements that it was a massive power
surge. It wasn’t until 10:21 am that any official word from the British
Government that it was bomb blasts and not a power surge.
So let’s just take the “official” story which has a giant
hole in it. Even if the Israeli Finance Minster was warned after the first bomb
blast, how come the two stories?
Why was an Israeli government official told it was a bomb
blast, the public and mass media told it was a power surge when at least someone
in the British Government knew it wasn’t?
At the time of writing this, the Israeli Government has
told its employees not to talk to the media about the London terror bombings.
That is very reminiscent of September 11th 2001
when the FAA and other US Government Agencies warned the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Salmond Rushdie, and Mayor Willie Brown not to fly on September 11th;
or Attorney General John Ashcroft who switched a few months before to charter
flights instead of commercial fights as had been his method of travel for years.
Prime Minster Tony Blair was very quick to link this to an
unknown Al-Qaeda group that according to Prime Minister “clamed” responsibly for
the attacks. Thus ensuring that every mass media outlet would link this to
His sources were a web posting on the internet. First off,
I could post saying that the Easter Bunny, or Santa Clause was responsible for
the terrorist bombings. While sounding ludicrous, what makes it different than
someone posting saying it was Al-Qaeda. Without verification it’s all the
same. There is no proof a 12 year old practical joker, or a British Government
agent posted it.
Whom ever posted it claming to be Al-Qaeda wasn’t a member
of the organization and perhaps not even Islamic.
According to
translator Jacob Keryakes, who said that a copy of the message was later posted
on a secular Web site, noted that the claim of responsibility contained an error
in one of the Quranic verses it cited. That suggests that the claim may be
phoney, he said.
"This is not something al-Qaida would do," he said.
The web posting also does not contain any direct admittance
since the post refers to "the heroic mujahedeen"; as if it the post is written
in praise and not an admittance of responsibility.
I am sure that there is more holes in the official story
out there now, and there will be in the days and weeks to come.
However that doesn’t answer the question why? Why did this
My answer is as sad as the tragedy itself. Control of the
British people, and those around the world.
Currently the national ID card in England is at a 15 %
approval rating, the prime minister barely won an election; and did so only
thanks to a timely attack on the British embassy in New York, the war against
terror and Iraq are at all time lows, no one is paying attention to the Karl
Rove enditement, and all the lies and corruption soundings the war on terror,
the war in Iraq, and domestically.
The British Government announced very recently that they
were pulling out of both Afghanistan and Iraq, making any fundamentalist happy
and leaving no reason to attack London. The only reason to justify staying in
Afghanistan, Iraq, and increasing the war on terror would be a terrorist
attack. That way Tony Blair can point the finger and say “see I told you so,
you’re not safe, give up more of your liberty and freedoms, you must to accept
it to stay safe.”
I just have to ask where the 4.5 million closed circuit
cameras that are monitored 24 hours a day covering almost every square inch of
London were pointed on July 7.
How did they go unnoticed while planning a series of bombs
yet the same inept government that can’t uncover a plot to detonate 4 bombs can
arrest and detain people who are suspiciously taking pictures of landmarks.
I can assure you that just like September 11th
and the rushing through of the Patriot Act, now the British Parliament will rush
though and pass emergency rest powers, make fully operational the “rest and
relaxation” centers that have been set up years ago (for just such an incident),
pass the national ID card, and use this as a pretext to invade Iran.
Links and resources:
hit London Underground, buses
Explosions In London: Who Stands To Gain?
Attack On London: Blair Plays The Terror Card
Bus in London was DIVERTED, then picked up Tube survivors
Giuliani was in London when the bombs went off
London Bombing has the Scent of
an Inside Job
Report: Israel Was Warned Ahead of First Blast
'Secret Organisation - al-Qaeda in Europe'
Claims Responsibility For Attacks
Met Police Chief refers to attacks with words "ORDER OUT OF CHAOS"
Details of The UK Government's History of Bombing its Citizens
More Information About UK's Government
terrorist attack inevitable: police chief
Timeline: Series of explosions
Galloway Wary Of Staged Terror Attack As Pretext For Iran Invasion
Flashback: Operation Northwoods
Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job
June 7th: MI5 Downgraded London Terror Alert Level to its lowest since 2001
'Former MI5 agent said Israel bombed their own London embassy'
FLASHBACK: MARDID BOMBING - Madrid Bombers Linked to Spanish Security Service
Madrid Train Bomb Suspects Were Police Informants
Aznar Withholds Secret Madrid Bombing Intelligence Documents
Spain's govt 'twisted' bombings for gains
London Terror Mystery: What did
Bibi know – and when did he know it?
Passenger believes he saw bomber
Timers Used in Blasts, Police
Say; Parallels to Madrid Are Found
Frenzied speculation over London "suicide" bus bomber
An Illuminati Ordered 'Terrorist' Attack In London
London bombs killed 'at least 50'
Mobiles capture blast aftermath
Hotels 'cash in' on bomb attacks
A Historic Evening
The history I’m talking about is personal.
Last night I had a great genealogical night. I discovered a great grandmother, saw pictures from the early 1900’s of relatives, and got to hold, read, and explore the passport my grandfather used when he immigrated to Canada.
All in all I filled in more than a few blanks and had a great time doing it.
I did however seem to annoy my mother at times, but she did get into the excitement and joy of the hunt.
I took Steph and my mother to the driving range yesterday.
For Steph’s first time hitting a golf ball she did pretty well.
She wants to go down to her parents this weekend to do some research. I’m not sure I want to go with her. I just don’t enjoy going down there. I don’t know what it is really.
I should get to bed; I have to get up in 6 hours because they are coming to do my backsplash today.
Oh I got my shortwave radio today, now I can listen to a few programs I could only get over the net before, this means I won’t be glued to my computer and can actually get shit done in the house while listening.
I really don’t know what to say about myself. I got a note that said I should talk more about myself, what exactly it means I’m not sure.
I though I did talk about myself. Perhaps in my tired haze I just misunderstood what was being said. LOL that happens a lot.
I guess I’m getting ready to go back to acting. I have been off for over a year now, and haven’t done much with that time. Well that’s not true. I looked after and buried my father, but from that point to now I haven’t done much at all.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Growing my family tree
I am relatively new to this whole genealogy thing, and while I am great once I have research, I have never been very well at doing it. A skill I am about to greatly improve upon.
It amazes me how many people do this, and I have to wonder why actually I’m doing it. I have no idea what the fascination with blood lines is all about, but as many people have been pointing out to me, I need a hobby and well this will be a very time consuming, productive, and interesting one. It also doesn’t take up too much room in my house such as building models or woodworking would.
The amount of information that is out there on the net is somewhat scary when you think of it. I got all sorts of information on relatives without asking them because I knew very basic information about them.
I think that this is going to be very interesting and keep me busy, and to top it off I’ll connect with family members I hardly ever see, or talk to, and build relations with ones that I’m just lassie faire with (which is pretty much all of them).
I really have no idea where this will all lead, or if I will burn out. I doubt that one since I have had a secret interest in it for years, and now that I’m going public with it I have been getting nothing but support from those I have told so far.
Tonight my mother is going to help me, and even take some of the stuff to some relatives she will be seeing over the next few weeks.
I do know that my surname has its roots in Bourgogne, France (where it apparently originates) where it is said that we are a celebrated family (whatever that means). I also have the family crest and coat of arms. Once I can get a copy of those in a format I can put on my diary I will.
I finally know what I want for my birthday and this time it is attainable and more realistic than a 1,600 $ picture frame. A Surname History and Coat of Arms Framed with my surname that I can display in my front entrance way. It is really gorgeous looking, and will remind me of my ancestry. Although I may put it in a more “readable” place in the house for people to stare at and ponder.
If anyone out there has any ideas, tips, or helpful information on doing genealogy research I would love it if you would leave me a note.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
A nice light snack
We had a bottle of wine. I forget what it was. It was a 1993 and from Chile. To that we added, Paris Toast with brie, parmesan reggiano, 3 year old cheddar, purchuto, pâté. As I write this I have toped it off with some 8 year old armanac. All in all not a bad way to spend an evening.
I have to admit that this was a nice light snack. Even if I can’t spell everything I ate correctly. There are leftovers and we bough a bottle of strawberry champagne (a sacrilege I know) to continue the feast tomorrow.
At one point tonight Steph remarked that this is the best cheese and crackers she’s ever had.
Between that and showing her the yacht I want (a mere 25 million and it’s not even the one I really like) it was quite an evening.
Moving on from this wonderful escape from reality…
I don’t really feel fulfilled and happy with my life. I feel like I have done nothing and going nowhere.
I’m torn between getting a new palm pilot or getting the card to make mine wireless.
I wish I knew what made me feel so unhappy and like I am not going anywhere in life. Of course it’s true. I have once again put my life on hold for someone else, rather than doing what it is that I need to do.
Even if I did what I wanted to do would I feel any better?
We have been conditioned to be miserable. I personally can tell you that I am great with the power of suggestion.
I was told in grade 10 that if I shuffled a deck of cards 3 times I would never loose at solitaire. I won at least 100 games in a row. I was unbeatable as long as I shuffled 3 times before I dealt. When I graduated high school I thanked the person who told me this. I was then told that it was a joke and wouldn’t work. I have since won about 10 % of my games.
Now take that model and apply it to something else in life. Such as feeling happy, or fulfilled, or a certain want, need, desire. If you are told you aren’t happy or need something you can never achieve - that unless you achieve it you will be unhappy, you will feel unhappy.
I’m about to turn 30 and have nothing and have nothing on the horizion.
I wonder how many people celebrating Independence Day in the US really know how free they are.
The definition of a terrorist is anyone who breaks a federal, state or municipal law (so any crime is considered an act of terrorism under the patriot act II section 802 - which is law)
The FBI admits they have planes in every state which fly around that are capable of intercepting any wireless communication and taking crystal clear infrared pictures of people in their houses
The US Supreme Court ruled that no one owns their own houses anymore - thus anyone can be kicked out at the whim of the local city councils
In many states all school aged children are forced to undergo psychiatric testing and if deemed unstable forced on medications. If the parents refuse to give them the medication they go to jail on child endangerment or other idiotic charges and have their children taken from them.
The US just created an internal spy agency that is mandated to spy on the citizens of the US
The latest non believer of the official story of 911 is the former Governor of Minnesota. Add him to 78 % of people who live in NYC and 52 % of people around the US.
For going to the wrong websites and reading the wrong books at the library (yes it’s been in the papers the FBI keeps a list of who reads what books from what library around the country.) can land you in jail.
The police in FL tazzer a 13 girl who is strapped to her hospital bed because she refuses to take her anti-depressants and is “making too much noise”
The president goes on TV and lies about having to invade a country because it is related to terrorists, yet the accusations have never been proven, and many times over been disproven. But people have been dumbed down and consumed nasty ingredients in foods that have rotted their brains so badly that they forget what happens or what was said 3 days ago, never mind 3 years ago.
Bill # HR2662 “The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005” breaks the 14th amendment (do you even know what the 14th amendment is? - it states that governments will not give special treatment to specific groups) and will end free speech and allow the federal government to take over state and local law enforcement, make rape a hate crime as well as words such as whore, slut and punishable by 30 years in prison. It goes on and on and on like that.
Sadly the list goes on but this is depressing.
Oh yea - my favourite - it is a crime (you’re a terrorist if) you question the official government versions of the truth. More and more journalists are being locked up for not going along with the official versions and investigating it, and there is no such thing any more as a protected source. If a journalist doesn’t revile their source they face up to 10 years in prison. Remember that one next time you read or watch the news.
All I have to wonder is why celebrate Independence Day when the US is no longer independent.