Sunday, July 03, 2005
A nice light snack
I’m sitting here at 3:30 am after watching the movie Mona Lisa Smiles and enjoying a nice light snack.
We had a bottle of wine. I forget what it was. It was a 1993 and from Chile. To that we added, Paris Toast with brie, parmesan reggiano, 3 year old cheddar, purchuto, pâté. As I write this I have toped it off with some 8 year old armanac. All in all not a bad way to spend an evening.
I have to admit that this was a nice light snack. Even if I can’t spell everything I ate correctly. There are leftovers and we bough a bottle of strawberry champagne (a sacrilege I know) to continue the feast tomorrow.
At one point tonight Steph remarked that this is the best cheese and crackers she’s ever had.
Between that and showing her the yacht I want (a mere 25 million and it’s not even the one I really like) it was quite an evening.
Moving on from this wonderful escape from reality…
I don’t really feel fulfilled and happy with my life. I feel like I have done nothing and going nowhere.
I’m torn between getting a new palm pilot or getting the card to make mine wireless.
I wish I knew what made me feel so unhappy and like I am not going anywhere in life. Of course it’s true. I have once again put my life on hold for someone else, rather than doing what it is that I need to do.
Even if I did what I wanted to do would I feel any better?
We have been conditioned to be miserable. I personally can tell you that I am great with the power of suggestion.
I was told in grade 10 that if I shuffled a deck of cards 3 times I would never loose at solitaire. I won at least 100 games in a row. I was unbeatable as long as I shuffled 3 times before I dealt. When I graduated high school I thanked the person who told me this. I was then told that it was a joke and wouldn’t work. I have since won about 10 % of my games.
Now take that model and apply it to something else in life. Such as feeling happy, or fulfilled, or a certain want, need, desire. If you are told you aren’t happy or need something you can never achieve - that unless you achieve it you will be unhappy, you will feel unhappy.
I’m about to turn 30 and have nothing and have nothing on the horizion.
I wonder how many people celebrating Independence Day in the US really know how free they are.
The definition of a terrorist is anyone who breaks a federal, state or municipal law (so any crime is considered an act of terrorism under the patriot act II section 802 - which is law)
The FBI admits they have planes in every state which fly around that are capable of intercepting any wireless communication and taking crystal clear infrared pictures of people in their houses
The US Supreme Court ruled that no one owns their own houses anymore - thus anyone can be kicked out at the whim of the local city councils
In many states all school aged children are forced to undergo psychiatric testing and if deemed unstable forced on medications. If the parents refuse to give them the medication they go to jail on child endangerment or other idiotic charges and have their children taken from them.
The US just created an internal spy agency that is mandated to spy on the citizens of the US
The latest non believer of the official story of 911 is the former Governor of Minnesota. Add him to 78 % of people who live in NYC and 52 % of people around the US.
For going to the wrong websites and reading the wrong books at the library (yes it’s been in the papers the FBI keeps a list of who reads what books from what library around the country.) can land you in jail.
The police in FL tazzer a 13 girl who is strapped to her hospital bed because she refuses to take her anti-depressants and is “making too much noise”
The president goes on TV and lies about having to invade a country because it is related to terrorists, yet the accusations have never been proven, and many times over been disproven. But people have been dumbed down and consumed nasty ingredients in foods that have rotted their brains so badly that they forget what happens or what was said 3 days ago, never mind 3 years ago.
Bill # HR2662 “The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005” breaks the 14th amendment (do you even know what the 14th amendment is? - it states that governments will not give special treatment to specific groups) and will end free speech and allow the federal government to take over state and local law enforcement, make rape a hate crime as well as words such as whore, slut and punishable by 30 years in prison. It goes on and on and on like that.
Sadly the list goes on but this is depressing.
Oh yea - my favourite - it is a crime (you’re a terrorist if) you question the official government versions of the truth. More and more journalists are being locked up for not going along with the official versions and investigating it, and there is no such thing any more as a protected source. If a journalist doesn’t revile their source they face up to 10 years in prison. Remember that one next time you read or watch the news.
All I have to wonder is why celebrate Independence Day when the US is no longer independent.
We had a bottle of wine. I forget what it was. It was a 1993 and from Chile. To that we added, Paris Toast with brie, parmesan reggiano, 3 year old cheddar, purchuto, pâté. As I write this I have toped it off with some 8 year old armanac. All in all not a bad way to spend an evening.
I have to admit that this was a nice light snack. Even if I can’t spell everything I ate correctly. There are leftovers and we bough a bottle of strawberry champagne (a sacrilege I know) to continue the feast tomorrow.
At one point tonight Steph remarked that this is the best cheese and crackers she’s ever had.
Between that and showing her the yacht I want (a mere 25 million and it’s not even the one I really like) it was quite an evening.
Moving on from this wonderful escape from reality…
I don’t really feel fulfilled and happy with my life. I feel like I have done nothing and going nowhere.
I’m torn between getting a new palm pilot or getting the card to make mine wireless.
I wish I knew what made me feel so unhappy and like I am not going anywhere in life. Of course it’s true. I have once again put my life on hold for someone else, rather than doing what it is that I need to do.
Even if I did what I wanted to do would I feel any better?
We have been conditioned to be miserable. I personally can tell you that I am great with the power of suggestion.
I was told in grade 10 that if I shuffled a deck of cards 3 times I would never loose at solitaire. I won at least 100 games in a row. I was unbeatable as long as I shuffled 3 times before I dealt. When I graduated high school I thanked the person who told me this. I was then told that it was a joke and wouldn’t work. I have since won about 10 % of my games.
Now take that model and apply it to something else in life. Such as feeling happy, or fulfilled, or a certain want, need, desire. If you are told you aren’t happy or need something you can never achieve - that unless you achieve it you will be unhappy, you will feel unhappy.
I’m about to turn 30 and have nothing and have nothing on the horizion.
I wonder how many people celebrating Independence Day in the US really know how free they are.
The definition of a terrorist is anyone who breaks a federal, state or municipal law (so any crime is considered an act of terrorism under the patriot act II section 802 - which is law)
The FBI admits they have planes in every state which fly around that are capable of intercepting any wireless communication and taking crystal clear infrared pictures of people in their houses
The US Supreme Court ruled that no one owns their own houses anymore - thus anyone can be kicked out at the whim of the local city councils
In many states all school aged children are forced to undergo psychiatric testing and if deemed unstable forced on medications. If the parents refuse to give them the medication they go to jail on child endangerment or other idiotic charges and have their children taken from them.
The US just created an internal spy agency that is mandated to spy on the citizens of the US
The latest non believer of the official story of 911 is the former Governor of Minnesota. Add him to 78 % of people who live in NYC and 52 % of people around the US.
For going to the wrong websites and reading the wrong books at the library (yes it’s been in the papers the FBI keeps a list of who reads what books from what library around the country.) can land you in jail.
The police in FL tazzer a 13 girl who is strapped to her hospital bed because she refuses to take her anti-depressants and is “making too much noise”
The president goes on TV and lies about having to invade a country because it is related to terrorists, yet the accusations have never been proven, and many times over been disproven. But people have been dumbed down and consumed nasty ingredients in foods that have rotted their brains so badly that they forget what happens or what was said 3 days ago, never mind 3 years ago.
Bill # HR2662 “The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005” breaks the 14th amendment (do you even know what the 14th amendment is? - it states that governments will not give special treatment to specific groups) and will end free speech and allow the federal government to take over state and local law enforcement, make rape a hate crime as well as words such as whore, slut and punishable by 30 years in prison. It goes on and on and on like that.
Sadly the list goes on but this is depressing.
Oh yea - my favourite - it is a crime (you’re a terrorist if) you question the official government versions of the truth. More and more journalists are being locked up for not going along with the official versions and investigating it, and there is no such thing any more as a protected source. If a journalist doesn’t revile their source they face up to 10 years in prison. Remember that one next time you read or watch the news.
All I have to wonder is why celebrate Independence Day when the US is no longer independent.