Thursday, July 14, 2005
I’m leaving
I’m about to go away for a few days. My mother is dragging me away for my birthday. While I really don’t think there is any surprise parties planed, part of me thinks there is.
I hate surprise parties. First of all, they are never a surprise. Secondly I hate surprises, thirdly I hate celebrating my birthday.
So the plan is leave here tomorrow, spend the day at my moms Friday and go to my grandmothers and some other relatives, then come home either late Saturday night or Sunday.
I have been having a fucking hard time writing in here, it seems that whenever I have an inspiration, I’m away from the computer and away from my palm pilot, leaving me with no way to write down what I’m thinking at the time. I have lost a bunch of good entries the last few days that way.
This could be my very last entry I’ll write in my 20’s from my home computer at least. I’ll probably only have my palm the next few days which means when everything gets posted I’ll be in to my third decayed.
I just though I lost all my entry when my computer froze up. I had been doing that the odd time even after I formatted it. I think I know which program is causing the problem. But it makes for a real pain in my ass when this was (thanks to auto recovery I didn’t loose this one) the 3rd entry I lost in 3 days. Another reason why I haven’t written in here.
I’ll probably write an entry looking back and looking forward while I can’t sleep one night. I know it is something I probably should do considering I never thought I’d see 30.
Anyhow I’m excited because I have someone special to call on my birthday *giggles* I can’t wait. That’s my big birthday plans LOL.
I hate surprise parties. First of all, they are never a surprise. Secondly I hate surprises, thirdly I hate celebrating my birthday.
So the plan is leave here tomorrow, spend the day at my moms Friday and go to my grandmothers and some other relatives, then come home either late Saturday night or Sunday.
I have been having a fucking hard time writing in here, it seems that whenever I have an inspiration, I’m away from the computer and away from my palm pilot, leaving me with no way to write down what I’m thinking at the time. I have lost a bunch of good entries the last few days that way.
This could be my very last entry I’ll write in my 20’s from my home computer at least. I’ll probably only have my palm the next few days which means when everything gets posted I’ll be in to my third decayed.
I just though I lost all my entry when my computer froze up. I had been doing that the odd time even after I formatted it. I think I know which program is causing the problem. But it makes for a real pain in my ass when this was (thanks to auto recovery I didn’t loose this one) the 3rd entry I lost in 3 days. Another reason why I haven’t written in here.
I’ll probably write an entry looking back and looking forward while I can’t sleep one night. I know it is something I probably should do considering I never thought I’d see 30.
Anyhow I’m excited because I have someone special to call on my birthday *giggles* I can’t wait. That’s my big birthday plans LOL.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Family coat of arms
I finally have a copy of my family’s coat of arms. It isn’t the best one out there but it is my coat of arms and I’m proud to know what it looks like and display it. In my opinion there should be a lion, or other beast on it, not three triflowers.
I still love it, and is cool to know that that it represents line of destinquished (and bad spellers) going back to 1100's AD

I still love it, and is cool to know that that it represents line of destinquished (and bad spellers) going back to 1100's AD
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
So tonight after about a month of delays I finally called Mom2some.
It was an intersting phone call, I'm not sure she could belive that I actualy called her.
It was odd calling someone who's live I've read so much about, even envyed at times, but never heard her voice or had any idea what her real personality was like.
I have toe tell you that she is a total sweetie. Funny, strange, smart, a bit of a cowpoke LOL, I was amazed to learn that she enjoys cigars.
I hope I get a chance to talk to her again. I was nice and didn't ramble on even though I wanted to at times.
Her voice was differnt than I expected, and had a hint of a very cool accent.
Wow I'm exsuasted, I had to format my computer and it's 2:30 am and time for bed. I just wanted to get this down before I went to bed but wasn't able to write until now since I'm an idiot and didn't realize i could have typed this directy into my OD.
It was an intersting phone call, I'm not sure she could belive that I actualy called her.
It was odd calling someone who's live I've read so much about, even envyed at times, but never heard her voice or had any idea what her real personality was like.
I have toe tell you that she is a total sweetie. Funny, strange, smart, a bit of a cowpoke LOL, I was amazed to learn that she enjoys cigars.
I hope I get a chance to talk to her again. I was nice and didn't ramble on even though I wanted to at times.
Her voice was differnt than I expected, and had a hint of a very cool accent.
Wow I'm exsuasted, I had to format my computer and it's 2:30 am and time for bed. I just wanted to get this down before I went to bed but wasn't able to write until now since I'm an idiot and didn't realize i could have typed this directy into my OD.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Boogers always fall into my drinks
I just feel so strange tonight. Whenever I get up the room I’m in seems to start spinning and I get a light headed feeling at the top of my head. Not normal. I’ve never felt it before.
If I didn’t know better I’d say I’m being attacked with some sort of ultra secret brain wave fuckerupper thing… LOL
My computer is being a total bitch and I’m finally going to break down and have to reformat it and start fresh. This always seems to happen to me once a year or so. I am not sure what causes it, and it is really annoying but I don’t mind. I enjoy fixing computers.
Steph read one of the previous things in my OD about my views on the London bombing and told me how well I write. I always though that she had read other articles I’ve written. I told her that the one she had read wasn’t even that good, just something I whipped off while waiting for the backsplash to be done. I never submitted it, nor did I send it too my mother. I didn’t see the point after being called a terrorist for having my own mind and seeing the world differently than most people.
I don’t know why I stopped writing. I have articles all over the net, on various sites and some of them have had pretty good reviews by various people. I used to get a rush out of seeing or (the two a lot of my articles are one). Then one day I just decided to stop, and for close to two years didn’t write anything.
After what Steph said I’m starting to get a taste for it again, and feel that rush and desire to get the word out.
In school I was paid to write other peoples papers for them because I can do it so well. The deal was they give me the research and I write it. I think that is the problem here, I have to do the research, and putting together. I am thinking about writing an article on the roots of terrorism. It was something that I was always interested in since I was a little kid, and if my parents hadn’t discouraged me from taking an interest in something “evil and unnormal for a 12 year old” who knows who I would be today, probably on the lecture circuit making 10,000 $ a speech.
I need to start doing something with my life again. I have done nothing for almost a year now and am starting to go stir crazy. Genealogy is a great hobby and I love it but I need something to fill the rest of my time.
My birthday is on Sunday so now Steph isn’t going to go away for the weekend. I keep telling her to go if she wants to. I mean I’m not planning anything special, and truly hoping that no one else is either.
Every so often I am reminded and pulled towards writing and exposing the absolute and total corruption, and attempt to take over the planet by a few powerful, uber wealthy, psychotic, megalomaniacs, individuals.
It just burs me to the core, gets me all fired up, and really pissed off. That’s why I used to write about it all the time, it draws out passion and fire in me that not much else can or does.
I’m thinking of starting my own website devoted to the cause. Of course it will cost me a fortune since I would have to run my own server. Most free ones now a day come with a Terms of Service contract that forbids you from bashing governments of any nature.
LOL see what I mean, I started and intended to write a two lines or so and it ended up being a rambling, enraging few paragraphs.
My life has a meaning and a point. I have been pissing myself off trying to discover what it was, and worrying about if I’m with the right person, does this wine taste better or worse than the other vintage, what to wear to the symphony, instead of focusing on what matters, defending truth, and justice, making sure that all humans are treated equally, children are not force drugged under a guise of it being for there benefit, trying to fathom why parents feed their kids processed foods, and sugars, and baby sit them with TV, and then wonder why their children are fat, lazy, dumb, and the first generation ever to be expected to do worse than their parents.
I will never understand how people just say that “well I don’t care, I follow the law so it won’t effect me”, or don’t care and just sit there watching their rights evaporate into thin air.
No one seems to care that journalists are being put in jail for doing their jobs, or that it is an official crime to investigate the official story offered up by the US government (thank you patriot act II)
Okay I’m off to do other things for a bit. I’m all wiled up and need to calm down.
If I didn’t know better I’d say I’m being attacked with some sort of ultra secret brain wave fuckerupper thing… LOL
My computer is being a total bitch and I’m finally going to break down and have to reformat it and start fresh. This always seems to happen to me once a year or so. I am not sure what causes it, and it is really annoying but I don’t mind. I enjoy fixing computers.
Steph read one of the previous things in my OD about my views on the London bombing and told me how well I write. I always though that she had read other articles I’ve written. I told her that the one she had read wasn’t even that good, just something I whipped off while waiting for the backsplash to be done. I never submitted it, nor did I send it too my mother. I didn’t see the point after being called a terrorist for having my own mind and seeing the world differently than most people.
I don’t know why I stopped writing. I have articles all over the net, on various sites and some of them have had pretty good reviews by various people. I used to get a rush out of seeing or (the two a lot of my articles are one). Then one day I just decided to stop, and for close to two years didn’t write anything.
After what Steph said I’m starting to get a taste for it again, and feel that rush and desire to get the word out.
In school I was paid to write other peoples papers for them because I can do it so well. The deal was they give me the research and I write it. I think that is the problem here, I have to do the research, and putting together. I am thinking about writing an article on the roots of terrorism. It was something that I was always interested in since I was a little kid, and if my parents hadn’t discouraged me from taking an interest in something “evil and unnormal for a 12 year old” who knows who I would be today, probably on the lecture circuit making 10,000 $ a speech.
I need to start doing something with my life again. I have done nothing for almost a year now and am starting to go stir crazy. Genealogy is a great hobby and I love it but I need something to fill the rest of my time.
My birthday is on Sunday so now Steph isn’t going to go away for the weekend. I keep telling her to go if she wants to. I mean I’m not planning anything special, and truly hoping that no one else is either.
Every so often I am reminded and pulled towards writing and exposing the absolute and total corruption, and attempt to take over the planet by a few powerful, uber wealthy, psychotic, megalomaniacs, individuals.
It just burs me to the core, gets me all fired up, and really pissed off. That’s why I used to write about it all the time, it draws out passion and fire in me that not much else can or does.
I’m thinking of starting my own website devoted to the cause. Of course it will cost me a fortune since I would have to run my own server. Most free ones now a day come with a Terms of Service contract that forbids you from bashing governments of any nature.
LOL see what I mean, I started and intended to write a two lines or so and it ended up being a rambling, enraging few paragraphs.
My life has a meaning and a point. I have been pissing myself off trying to discover what it was, and worrying about if I’m with the right person, does this wine taste better or worse than the other vintage, what to wear to the symphony, instead of focusing on what matters, defending truth, and justice, making sure that all humans are treated equally, children are not force drugged under a guise of it being for there benefit, trying to fathom why parents feed their kids processed foods, and sugars, and baby sit them with TV, and then wonder why their children are fat, lazy, dumb, and the first generation ever to be expected to do worse than their parents.
I will never understand how people just say that “well I don’t care, I follow the law so it won’t effect me”, or don’t care and just sit there watching their rights evaporate into thin air.
No one seems to care that journalists are being put in jail for doing their jobs, or that it is an official crime to investigate the official story offered up by the US government (thank you patriot act II)
Okay I’m off to do other things for a bit. I’m all wiled up and need to calm down.