Sunday, July 17, 2005
I can't effin sleep
16/07/05 2:43 am
I fell asleep around midnight, and have been awake for the better part of an hour now.
LOL I even ran a gag op (grab and go operation) and pilfered some Oreo cookies from downstairs without waking anyone up.
It is so damn hot in here that the cream center of the Oreo’s is melted.
I wish I knew why I couldn't sleep. I sleep best in cold weather, and combine that with my sore joints and I'll wager that's the reason.
It doesn't help that there is no air movement in this room either. I have become accustom the fan on full blast while I sleep.
Looking back on the past few days of my 20's I guess I could say they haven't been that bad.
My only complaint is that people need to have the air conditioning on in their houses.
I enjoy hot weather but when I'm outside, not melting inside. I couldn't even walk around my grandmas in my boxers as I do at home.
I can't wait to get home, to a nice 72 degree house, and a comfortable bed and sleep.
I know I would be sleeping at home, or at least able to be writing this in OD, and reading my favs.
When I get my new palm pilot, I'm definitely getting a keyboard for it. Taping shit out on the built in keyboard is slow and hurting the eyes holding it as close to my face as I am.
2:53 AM
Well I’m home now, and fucking mother of god do I have some stories to tell.
First off it’s now officially my 30th birthday day.
Steph somehow over the last two days broke two plates. The first one she wasn’t paying attention and it was on top of another plate she wanted, the plate slipped off and smashed into my mothers dishwasher.
The second one she broke today. I get a knock on the bathroom door while I’m getting ready to shower, and when I open it see her holding a plate, one half in each hand. I started to laugh and she yelled at me about how it wasn’t funny, and she felt bad. I asked her why she was trying to nuke a fairly old glass plate, and she told me she didn’t know.
Long story short, she did know; she was trying to nuke bacon on a glass plate (which was too small for a strip of bacon. Alas she survived and the horrid person that is my grandmother killed her and ate her brains for lunch. Oh wait, my grandmother laughed, and told steph not to worry because accidents happen all the time. Just as I predicted would happen.
I nearly lost it on my mother today. She treats my grandmother as an invalid, doing things, or volunteering me to do things for her, even when my grandmother says no repeatedly.
My grandmother; last time I visited her, asked me why my mom treats her like she can’t do anything for herself.
I do have lots of pictures to share but I’ll put them up tomorrow.
We left Kingston around 1 pm and got to Picton about 3. My mom got lost, and can’t tell the difference between a road and a driveway.
I did learn a lot about my uncle PM when we went mattress shopping,
It was an interesting experience. The sales clerk had no idea what he was doing, and to top it off gave Pete over 200 $ in free shit.
We went back to their cottage, which is a nice little cozy place on the lake.
Thankfully there was no surprise party, and no one really made a fuss, other than my grandmother wanting to buy me a muscle shirt, thankfully she ended up getting me socks. Really good socks, which I’ll wear for 6 months straight. There is something wrong in this world when one sock costs 20 $.
It was good to see my cousins again, and I had a great time, however short at their camp, cottage, or whatever the fuck you call it.
They are coming down to pick up their appliances in a week or two so I may go back down there with them for a few days of fun, sun, really bad volleyball, and poker.
That reminds me, steph… remind me to teach you how to play poker so you know next time.
Steph says I need to go to bed, see how when I hit the old age of 30 people think you loose your mind and start telling you what to do. I swear no respect for the elderly anymore.
I fell asleep around midnight, and have been awake for the better part of an hour now.
LOL I even ran a gag op (grab and go operation) and pilfered some Oreo cookies from downstairs without waking anyone up.
It is so damn hot in here that the cream center of the Oreo’s is melted.
I wish I knew why I couldn't sleep. I sleep best in cold weather, and combine that with my sore joints and I'll wager that's the reason.
It doesn't help that there is no air movement in this room either. I have become accustom the fan on full blast while I sleep.
Looking back on the past few days of my 20's I guess I could say they haven't been that bad.
My only complaint is that people need to have the air conditioning on in their houses.
I enjoy hot weather but when I'm outside, not melting inside. I couldn't even walk around my grandmas in my boxers as I do at home.
I can't wait to get home, to a nice 72 degree house, and a comfortable bed and sleep.
I know I would be sleeping at home, or at least able to be writing this in OD, and reading my favs.
When I get my new palm pilot, I'm definitely getting a keyboard for it. Taping shit out on the built in keyboard is slow and hurting the eyes holding it as close to my face as I am.
2:53 AM
Well I’m home now, and fucking mother of god do I have some stories to tell.
First off it’s now officially my 30th birthday day.
Steph somehow over the last two days broke two plates. The first one she wasn’t paying attention and it was on top of another plate she wanted, the plate slipped off and smashed into my mothers dishwasher.
The second one she broke today. I get a knock on the bathroom door while I’m getting ready to shower, and when I open it see her holding a plate, one half in each hand. I started to laugh and she yelled at me about how it wasn’t funny, and she felt bad. I asked her why she was trying to nuke a fairly old glass plate, and she told me she didn’t know.
Long story short, she did know; she was trying to nuke bacon on a glass plate (which was too small for a strip of bacon. Alas she survived and the horrid person that is my grandmother killed her and ate her brains for lunch. Oh wait, my grandmother laughed, and told steph not to worry because accidents happen all the time. Just as I predicted would happen.
I nearly lost it on my mother today. She treats my grandmother as an invalid, doing things, or volunteering me to do things for her, even when my grandmother says no repeatedly.
My grandmother; last time I visited her, asked me why my mom treats her like she can’t do anything for herself.
I do have lots of pictures to share but I’ll put them up tomorrow.
We left Kingston around 1 pm and got to Picton about 3. My mom got lost, and can’t tell the difference between a road and a driveway.
I did learn a lot about my uncle PM when we went mattress shopping,
It was an interesting experience. The sales clerk had no idea what he was doing, and to top it off gave Pete over 200 $ in free shit.
We went back to their cottage, which is a nice little cozy place on the lake.
Thankfully there was no surprise party, and no one really made a fuss, other than my grandmother wanting to buy me a muscle shirt, thankfully she ended up getting me socks. Really good socks, which I’ll wear for 6 months straight. There is something wrong in this world when one sock costs 20 $.
It was good to see my cousins again, and I had a great time, however short at their camp, cottage, or whatever the fuck you call it.
They are coming down to pick up their appliances in a week or two so I may go back down there with them for a few days of fun, sun, really bad volleyball, and poker.
That reminds me, steph… remind me to teach you how to play poker so you know next time.
Steph says I need to go to bed, see how when I hit the old age of 30 people think you loose your mind and start telling you what to do. I swear no respect for the elderly anymore.
At grandmas
15/07/05 9:48 pm
Fuck I'm tired
I didn't fall asleep until close to seven am, and was up at around eleven am.
I had lunch, and listened to the first hour of Alex Jones live on the shortwave.
Fucking thing kept changing channels on me, and when on the right channel came in fairly clearly, back home it doesn't come in at all.
I still can't believe that it came in so clearly last night.
It didn't even come close to working in the car, and I don't think it will come in at all here at my grandma's
We left my moms around one pm and fucking jebus what a shitty driver.
I told her I had to piss, so she starts driving under the speed limit, and I swear jerking the car more. Someone needs to teach her not to slam on the brakes while doing 100.
We did manage to get here safely, unlike some poor family who we saw. They were squished in their car which was under their boat. Some how the car flipped and the trailer and sail boat landed on top of them.
My grandma is doing well. She seems a little confused and forgetful at times but who isn't?
No big highlights. We drove around Kingston for a bit and I took pictures out the window. Nothing exciting.
My mom said that she got my great aunt Josie to fill out some family tree information, but isn't sure where she put it.
I miss the internet, and the news, and OD. I swear this has been the longest I've been away from it in about 2 year’s lol.
Steph and my mom went swimming and since I got dragged along, I have get even photos to share.
What else is there to write about?
My life is really boring. Is that what happens when you get old or is it just me. Fuck I need more excitement in my life.
When the kitchen is done, maybe I should go backpacking around Australia for a year or something.
I am going back to work, I'm calling my agent on Monday. I think. I may wait until the country goes off holidays in September.
Outside my grandma's building it smells like cow crap.
Fuck I'm tired
I didn't fall asleep until close to seven am, and was up at around eleven am.
I had lunch, and listened to the first hour of Alex Jones live on the shortwave.
Fucking thing kept changing channels on me, and when on the right channel came in fairly clearly, back home it doesn't come in at all.
I still can't believe that it came in so clearly last night.
It didn't even come close to working in the car, and I don't think it will come in at all here at my grandma's
We left my moms around one pm and fucking jebus what a shitty driver.
I told her I had to piss, so she starts driving under the speed limit, and I swear jerking the car more. Someone needs to teach her not to slam on the brakes while doing 100.
We did manage to get here safely, unlike some poor family who we saw. They were squished in their car which was under their boat. Some how the car flipped and the trailer and sail boat landed on top of them.
My grandma is doing well. She seems a little confused and forgetful at times but who isn't?
No big highlights. We drove around Kingston for a bit and I took pictures out the window. Nothing exciting.
My mom said that she got my great aunt Josie to fill out some family tree information, but isn't sure where she put it.
I miss the internet, and the news, and OD. I swear this has been the longest I've been away from it in about 2 year’s lol.
Steph and my mom went swimming and since I got dragged along, I have get even photos to share.
What else is there to write about?
My life is really boring. Is that what happens when you get old or is it just me. Fuck I need more excitement in my life.
When the kitchen is done, maybe I should go backpacking around Australia for a year or something.
I am going back to work, I'm calling my agent on Monday. I think. I may wait until the country goes off holidays in September.
Outside my grandma's building it smells like cow crap.
On birthday vacation
Thurs, July 14 2005 10:58 pm
I'm sitting here at my moms listening to Alex Jones from and wanted to get some thoughts out.
Damnit, I have the hickups.
That’s better.
I think my mothers starting to wake up and see the world as it really is, and not as the perception that people believe.
She doesn't think that I'm nuts, and since things I said a year ago are now coming true, and tying up things that do not make since.
Dinner was good, and we gave steph some interview advice and advice in what to do with the rittalan question.
Dinner was good, and we all talked and at times I went on and my mom seemed interested and curious. It helps that I use official government documents to back up what I say. I use their own documents against them.
I can't wait to get home. I'm going to my grandmothers tomorrow, and aunt Cathy’s on Saturday.
The evening broadcast of Alex Jones on shortwave 3215 is coming in very clearly. I'm thrilled.
There are no real problems with my blood work, but my sugars, and closteral is slightly elevated. I'm not overly worried about that but my knees, fingers, and elbows are extremely sore. The 40 c (104 f) plus temperatures seem to make it seriously worse.
I have no idea what I really accomplished in the past 30 years of my life, and have been thinking what ifs,
The biggest what if I have is what of I went to private school. Out of all the things I did and didn't do, that is the one that bothers me the most.
But I am looking ahead, not back.
Where will I be 30 years from now? I have no Idea.
Even the next year (by the time I'm 31). Probably not married, and no kids. I would like to be back acting, writing regularly, maybe even my own radio show, or TV show exposing the truth. I hope there are no terrorist attacks in the Toronto area and that I am fully prepared just incase. The problem is I may not be safe being sandwiched between 2 nuclear power plants. Either on is less than 10 miles from me.
I had a strange dream. A friend from OD moved in with steph and I. I wonder if it is normal to have dreams like that.
I'm sitting here at my moms listening to Alex Jones from and wanted to get some thoughts out.
Damnit, I have the hickups.
That’s better.
I think my mothers starting to wake up and see the world as it really is, and not as the perception that people believe.
She doesn't think that I'm nuts, and since things I said a year ago are now coming true, and tying up things that do not make since.
Dinner was good, and we gave steph some interview advice and advice in what to do with the rittalan question.
Dinner was good, and we all talked and at times I went on and my mom seemed interested and curious. It helps that I use official government documents to back up what I say. I use their own documents against them.
I can't wait to get home. I'm going to my grandmothers tomorrow, and aunt Cathy’s on Saturday.
The evening broadcast of Alex Jones on shortwave 3215 is coming in very clearly. I'm thrilled.
There are no real problems with my blood work, but my sugars, and closteral is slightly elevated. I'm not overly worried about that but my knees, fingers, and elbows are extremely sore. The 40 c (104 f) plus temperatures seem to make it seriously worse.
I have no idea what I really accomplished in the past 30 years of my life, and have been thinking what ifs,
The biggest what if I have is what of I went to private school. Out of all the things I did and didn't do, that is the one that bothers me the most.
But I am looking ahead, not back.
Where will I be 30 years from now? I have no Idea.
Even the next year (by the time I'm 31). Probably not married, and no kids. I would like to be back acting, writing regularly, maybe even my own radio show, or TV show exposing the truth. I hope there are no terrorist attacks in the Toronto area and that I am fully prepared just incase. The problem is I may not be safe being sandwiched between 2 nuclear power plants. Either on is less than 10 miles from me.
I had a strange dream. A friend from OD moved in with steph and I. I wonder if it is normal to have dreams like that.