Friday, August 05, 2005
I can’t believe my ears sometimes
In a few hours I head back to the clinic to get some blood work done. Hopefully the sugar and cholesterol levels are fairly normal. Of course I know I need to exercise more and stop eating pizza so I doubt they will be.
I buried Athena the degu yesterday in my front garden. She is under the plant on the far right at the back. It is right next to the globe cedar. Hopefully the plant survives. I’m not very good at gardening (hence all the perennials).
It was another scorcher yesterday at 42 C or 114 F.
My mom again baffles me. Yesterday she was nice enough to take me to pick up frozen foods on her way home from work in a torrential down pour. Then she starts talking to me about how I owe her money and I should pay her now because her cash flow is bad this month due to a down payment on a new house.
She tells me she knows this month is going to be tight with two weddings and other functions to attend, and then tells me that I have to pay her. She doesn’t ask, she tells me.
She told me that we should settle up this Friday, to which I replied I agreed to do it when the bill comes. She retreated a little bit, and wined about not having much money. I told her that I know the bill was 196.00 USD and I’ll pay her 200 $ now and the rest of the exchange rate when the bill comes. She agreed to that.
Then I suggested that we should go to Jacks Fillin station again sometime and she tells me “when you save up your money”
She can be incredibly rude to me sometimes and I don’t thinks he realizes it. She always calls me greedy and self centered (who isn’t at some point) but seems to think that she isn’t. It’s just really frustrating particularly when I catch her in a lie, she changes her story, and I call her on it and she tries to dig herself out of it. And she wonders where I got that from.
I’m not sure how I feel about going away this weekend. It is one of those things that as soon as I get there I’ll have fun. I never enjoy the journey, I like the end results. I just dread it being 40 C and having no air condition at night.
The Mormons are coming today and I have prepared a few questions. They are never going to convert me. But I figure I can help them with their job as missionaries at least. After all they are nice people. I really like their views on family, but the rest of it is the same as any other religion or cult.
I am so hungry. I have to fast and have been since about 6:30 last night. I fell asleep and didn’t get up until about 5 so I can’t eat. When I come home I’m having pizza, unless I can talk someone in to going to Jacks Fillin Station for some wings. I bet that they would murder my body given I have had no food now for 11 hours, and by the time I eat closer to 15.
Oh time to go make a urine sample.
I buried Athena the degu yesterday in my front garden. She is under the plant on the far right at the back. It is right next to the globe cedar. Hopefully the plant survives. I’m not very good at gardening (hence all the perennials).
It was another scorcher yesterday at 42 C or 114 F.
My mom again baffles me. Yesterday she was nice enough to take me to pick up frozen foods on her way home from work in a torrential down pour. Then she starts talking to me about how I owe her money and I should pay her now because her cash flow is bad this month due to a down payment on a new house.
She tells me she knows this month is going to be tight with two weddings and other functions to attend, and then tells me that I have to pay her. She doesn’t ask, she tells me.
She told me that we should settle up this Friday, to which I replied I agreed to do it when the bill comes. She retreated a little bit, and wined about not having much money. I told her that I know the bill was 196.00 USD and I’ll pay her 200 $ now and the rest of the exchange rate when the bill comes. She agreed to that.
Then I suggested that we should go to Jacks Fillin station again sometime and she tells me “when you save up your money”
She can be incredibly rude to me sometimes and I don’t thinks he realizes it. She always calls me greedy and self centered (who isn’t at some point) but seems to think that she isn’t. It’s just really frustrating particularly when I catch her in a lie, she changes her story, and I call her on it and she tries to dig herself out of it. And she wonders where I got that from.
I’m not sure how I feel about going away this weekend. It is one of those things that as soon as I get there I’ll have fun. I never enjoy the journey, I like the end results. I just dread it being 40 C and having no air condition at night.
The Mormons are coming today and I have prepared a few questions. They are never going to convert me. But I figure I can help them with their job as missionaries at least. After all they are nice people. I really like their views on family, but the rest of it is the same as any other religion or cult.
I am so hungry. I have to fast and have been since about 6:30 last night. I fell asleep and didn’t get up until about 5 so I can’t eat. When I come home I’m having pizza, unless I can talk someone in to going to Jacks Fillin Station for some wings. I bet that they would murder my body given I have had no food now for 11 hours, and by the time I eat closer to 15.
Oh time to go make a urine sample.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Lecture from the doctor
Well yesterday was my “lecture” from the doctor on my bad eating and exercising habits.
I found out that while I am totally healthy in 99.99997% my blood sugar and cholesterol is rather high.
My blood sugar is nearly double a healthy level at 11 which surprised everyone I’ve told. My doctor even wonders if there was a mistake made at the lab.
My cholesterol was in total 8.29 which again is nearly double a normal level. The only good news was that my LDL (healthy cholesterol) was extremely high.
There was a little girding of my knee joint but not enough to really worry about. I believe he used the phrase slightly above average for someone my age.
The talk went the way I though it would be. I eat too much pizza and don’t get enough exercise. The only surprise was that if my blood sugar stays that high then I’ll be sent to a diabetic clinic to learn about healthy eating. Now I have already taken a class on it, but I’ll go again anyway.
Other than that not much has been going on in my life. I have been reading a hell of a lot and more and more information on the mastermind behind the 7/7 bombing in London is coming out and it all points to him being a British intelligence agent.
I still haven’t heard from P or C about taking the appliances they said they wanted, and they are leaving in a little more than a week. They were supposed to come get them by now, and this party we are going to on the weekend at their cottage was supposed to be the weekend they come and take them. Who knows?
I’ll find someone who needs a perfectly good gigantic fridge, microwave, and stove. The only reason I got rid of them was because they are not stainless steel. I do want them out of my house come winter time so I can park my SUV out of the snow.
I can’t believe how much I slept yesterday. I went to bed at like 6:30 pm and I just got up now at it’s 5:55 am.
I wish I had more on my mind these days.
Oh I did pick up a book on astral projection yesterday. I went to one of my favourite stores Age of Aquarius and talked with one of the owners there. She’s really nice. Always given me good advice in the past.
I need to start writing again. I have a few articles I’m working on but I can’t find the information I know is out there and it is frustrating the crap out of me. Most of the articles I want are UPI (united press international), Jerusalem Post, and AP (associated press) which talk about hamas being founded by the mossad (Israeli intelligence) and how the Israeli’s kidnap and train young children to be suicide bombers, give them the equipment and/or finances to carry out an attack on Israel. This was admitted and I have read them. Dumb ass me never saves things like that, and they seem to mysteriously vanish and the links I have to them are invalid.
I’m not sure I like this book I started reading on astral projection. It just seems overly negative. Don’t do this, you can’t do that, don’t do it this way. I’m sure it will work out in the end.
Well almost time to start breakfast. Part of my problem is that I am about to make pizza for breakfast, not the healthiest choice but for me it is really my dinner time, given my messed up schedule. I do know I’ll be having a healthy lunch and dinner so it all does work out in the end.
I found out that while I am totally healthy in 99.99997% my blood sugar and cholesterol is rather high.
My blood sugar is nearly double a healthy level at 11 which surprised everyone I’ve told. My doctor even wonders if there was a mistake made at the lab.
My cholesterol was in total 8.29 which again is nearly double a normal level. The only good news was that my LDL (healthy cholesterol) was extremely high.
There was a little girding of my knee joint but not enough to really worry about. I believe he used the phrase slightly above average for someone my age.
The talk went the way I though it would be. I eat too much pizza and don’t get enough exercise. The only surprise was that if my blood sugar stays that high then I’ll be sent to a diabetic clinic to learn about healthy eating. Now I have already taken a class on it, but I’ll go again anyway.
Other than that not much has been going on in my life. I have been reading a hell of a lot and more and more information on the mastermind behind the 7/7 bombing in London is coming out and it all points to him being a British intelligence agent.
I still haven’t heard from P or C about taking the appliances they said they wanted, and they are leaving in a little more than a week. They were supposed to come get them by now, and this party we are going to on the weekend at their cottage was supposed to be the weekend they come and take them. Who knows?
I’ll find someone who needs a perfectly good gigantic fridge, microwave, and stove. The only reason I got rid of them was because they are not stainless steel. I do want them out of my house come winter time so I can park my SUV out of the snow.
I can’t believe how much I slept yesterday. I went to bed at like 6:30 pm and I just got up now at it’s 5:55 am.
I wish I had more on my mind these days.
Oh I did pick up a book on astral projection yesterday. I went to one of my favourite stores Age of Aquarius and talked with one of the owners there. She’s really nice. Always given me good advice in the past.
I need to start writing again. I have a few articles I’m working on but I can’t find the information I know is out there and it is frustrating the crap out of me. Most of the articles I want are UPI (united press international), Jerusalem Post, and AP (associated press) which talk about hamas being founded by the mossad (Israeli intelligence) and how the Israeli’s kidnap and train young children to be suicide bombers, give them the equipment and/or finances to carry out an attack on Israel. This was admitted and I have read them. Dumb ass me never saves things like that, and they seem to mysteriously vanish and the links I have to them are invalid.
I’m not sure I like this book I started reading on astral projection. It just seems overly negative. Don’t do this, you can’t do that, don’t do it this way. I’m sure it will work out in the end.
Well almost time to start breakfast. Part of my problem is that I am about to make pizza for breakfast, not the healthiest choice but for me it is really my dinner time, given my messed up schedule. I do know I’ll be having a healthy lunch and dinner so it all does work out in the end.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Kitchen renovations day 100 + pic of moi
Before I begin my entry I have to talk about the kitchen renovations, simply because it baffles me how people can’t seem to get very simple things right.
I’ll start off with the knobs that were totally wrong on the original shipment over 3 months ago. Well they are wrong again. They are all the right kind, but 2 short; thankfully not a major problem just frustration.
The replacement drawer is 3 inches too long which may or may not be the problem as I’m not sure if it is the drawer that needs replacing or the face plate on the current drawer (I think that is what is warped, I suggested that and told I was wrong. It is a gut feeling so chances are I’m right. An interesting test of my instincts)
The replacement face plate for the one that was wrong (how can you ship something with 3 of the 4 drawers matching in the first place? Talk about bad quality control) is still wrong. The new one I got is identical to the one I have now.
Thankfully the cupboard that goes above the fridge is the right colour, but I am unsure about the size and will find that out tomorrow.
So to recap. I have waited 2 months for a shipment of replacement parts to finish the kitchen and at least 3 of the 4 are wrong and the 4th one can not be verified yet.
To top it off I still have no word as to when the trim and crown moulding is coming so the wait is still indefinite.
The only ray of good news is that the blind seems to fit, and I haven’t fully unwrapped it but the colour seems right as well. I do have a mild fear that it will be a few millimetres too big. I’ll find out on (I think) Thursday when they come and install it.
I’m calling the kitchen lady tomorrow and not sure I’m going to bring up litigation at this point, but I’m sure before the kitchen is done that may end up happening over the unnecessary damage done to my wall by the electrician.
Today was quite the day. I ended up going to bed at about 8 am for an hour of sleep. Then it was time to get ready to go to the Mormon Church.
I have to admit I was a bit astonished that when I showed up pretty much everyone knew Steph’s and I’s names. During the service this one guy (He was a head missionary or something like that, I can’t remember) started talking about how the Christian church is primarily founded on pagan traditions, and customs.
It amazed me that something I have been saying for years was being said in a church. For a moment it made me forget that this was an organized religion.
I talked with him after and he knows my uncle who is a Mormon and is going to be having dinner and staying over night at his house in September.
Then we went to investigate it further and sat in on a few classes and that’s when I came back to reality. They were trying to tell me that the profit has total control, speaks on god’s behalf, and will never steer the church wrong so we should blindly follow him.
That brought back all the red flags and bad feelings I had been having. I can not believe that you have to have a go between, between god and yourself. That one point is a deal breaker. There are a few other things that so far have yet to be explained but I refuse to put my spiritual well being in the hands of someone other than myself.
We got home much later than I wanted to, or though we would. Nearly gone for 4 hours.
Ate, and then I took a nap while Steph stayed up.
She woke me up at one point, feeling all weird and thinking she was having a heart attack. I pointed out that it was probably an anxiety or panic attack, got her to do deep breathing and in about 15 minutes or so she started feeling better.
We got up and had sandwiches, and watched some MASH, and then I was cornered and not wanting to let me get up I took a nap. I woke up to Steph being weirder than ever, and now I’m here writing this.
It has been a strange day today. Steph isn’t tired and it’s nearly 2 am. She is going to have so much trouble adjusting to a normal schedule on Tuesday if she keeps this up.
I get the feeling that she doesn’t really trust me, even thoughts he says she does. She says she knows I will give her the best advice possible but whenever she asks me, she never ever takes it.
Here the picture of me I promised after finishing the chicken wings the other night. I never realized what a messy eater I was until I saw this picture. I laughed my ass off.

I’ll start off with the knobs that were totally wrong on the original shipment over 3 months ago. Well they are wrong again. They are all the right kind, but 2 short; thankfully not a major problem just frustration.
The replacement drawer is 3 inches too long which may or may not be the problem as I’m not sure if it is the drawer that needs replacing or the face plate on the current drawer (I think that is what is warped, I suggested that and told I was wrong. It is a gut feeling so chances are I’m right. An interesting test of my instincts)
The replacement face plate for the one that was wrong (how can you ship something with 3 of the 4 drawers matching in the first place? Talk about bad quality control) is still wrong. The new one I got is identical to the one I have now.
Thankfully the cupboard that goes above the fridge is the right colour, but I am unsure about the size and will find that out tomorrow.
So to recap. I have waited 2 months for a shipment of replacement parts to finish the kitchen and at least 3 of the 4 are wrong and the 4th one can not be verified yet.
To top it off I still have no word as to when the trim and crown moulding is coming so the wait is still indefinite.
The only ray of good news is that the blind seems to fit, and I haven’t fully unwrapped it but the colour seems right as well. I do have a mild fear that it will be a few millimetres too big. I’ll find out on (I think) Thursday when they come and install it.
I’m calling the kitchen lady tomorrow and not sure I’m going to bring up litigation at this point, but I’m sure before the kitchen is done that may end up happening over the unnecessary damage done to my wall by the electrician.
Today was quite the day. I ended up going to bed at about 8 am for an hour of sleep. Then it was time to get ready to go to the Mormon Church.
I have to admit I was a bit astonished that when I showed up pretty much everyone knew Steph’s and I’s names. During the service this one guy (He was a head missionary or something like that, I can’t remember) started talking about how the Christian church is primarily founded on pagan traditions, and customs.
It amazed me that something I have been saying for years was being said in a church. For a moment it made me forget that this was an organized religion.
I talked with him after and he knows my uncle who is a Mormon and is going to be having dinner and staying over night at his house in September.
Then we went to investigate it further and sat in on a few classes and that’s when I came back to reality. They were trying to tell me that the profit has total control, speaks on god’s behalf, and will never steer the church wrong so we should blindly follow him.
That brought back all the red flags and bad feelings I had been having. I can not believe that you have to have a go between, between god and yourself. That one point is a deal breaker. There are a few other things that so far have yet to be explained but I refuse to put my spiritual well being in the hands of someone other than myself.
We got home much later than I wanted to, or though we would. Nearly gone for 4 hours.
Ate, and then I took a nap while Steph stayed up.
She woke me up at one point, feeling all weird and thinking she was having a heart attack. I pointed out that it was probably an anxiety or panic attack, got her to do deep breathing and in about 15 minutes or so she started feeling better.
We got up and had sandwiches, and watched some MASH, and then I was cornered and not wanting to let me get up I took a nap. I woke up to Steph being weirder than ever, and now I’m here writing this.
It has been a strange day today. Steph isn’t tired and it’s nearly 2 am. She is going to have so much trouble adjusting to a normal schedule on Tuesday if she keeps this up.
I get the feeling that she doesn’t really trust me, even thoughts he says she does. She says she knows I will give her the best advice possible but whenever she asks me, she never ever takes it.
Here the picture of me I promised after finishing the chicken wings the other night. I never realized what a messy eater I was until I saw this picture. I laughed my ass off.

A successful celebration of death
Shortly after 10 pm one year ago tonight my father passed away peacefully, and I was blessed to be a witness to the amazing spiritual event which confirmed many beliefs and feelings I’ve had over the years in my life.
Well it is now 11:32 pm and we are home from dinner at Nice Bistro, and had a great 5 hour dinner.
I tried rilletes (a peasant dish consisting of boiled pork, spices, and other ingredients and served similar to a pate) on toast, along with Quebec apple cider for an appetizer, and then a snitzel cordon bleu (stuffed with ham and brie) and a spectacular bottle of wine. I forgotten the name other than it was labelled XF which stood for extra fruit. I forwent my cesar salad and dessert as I was stuffed after those two courses. I did have a delectable truffle (cappuccino) for dessert and some armagnac, and thought that should have been it, I indulged myself and had another armagnac, some sort of fortified wine (tasted sherry like) which is aged in cognac barrels, and finally to top it off a cappuccino.
Steph had Pommes au Bernard (grilled apples, with feta cheese, tomato, lettuce, with a vinaigrette dressing), the snitzel cordon bleu along with the same wine I had. Dessert consisted of tiramisu, two cappuccinos, and tried the fortified wine (I ended up drinking the bulk of hers) and an almond truffle.
All in all a pretty good night. The cabbie whom we will use whenever possible now as he is a very entertaining, personable, friendly, interesting person, drove us there and back and again entertained us, and told us about going to Las Vegas (I actually want to go now) because I was unaware that Top Gun moved Nellis AFB so on a good night I would get a little bit of a show while sitting on the top of the hotel drinking a pina colada.
I was shocked that the owners remembered where we were sitting the last time we were there with my father. I even remember the chair but it’s hard not to forget that. I guess perhaps he had a bigger effect on them than I thought. Who knows? I do know that he was one of their favourite customers.
Oddly the topic of most of tonight’s dinner was weddings, what I want because Steph found it interesting, and different that I have been planning my wedding for close to 20 years.
I told her that the scaled down version would cost at least one hundred thousand dollars. That I have no idea on location simply because there are not any spectacular cathedrals around where I live.
Most of the money would be at the reception and go to food and the orchestra.
Honeymoons also came up, and while I would love to do the 28 day transatlantic cruise, even better would be a 30 day tour of France, and particularly the burgundy region which is rich and famous with my family’s heritage.
I’ve been sitting here for over 2 hours listing to music (right now the phantom of the opera – original Toronto cast recording) and I have installed the camera drivers so I finally downloaded a bunch of pictures.
There are some pretty good ones. The one of me from my chicken wing expedition few days ago looks hilarious. I never realized how messy I was when I ate chicken wings, and these wings weren’t even extraordinarily saucy.
Pics to come tomorrow since Steph is bored silly, I should go do something with her.
Well it is now 11:32 pm and we are home from dinner at Nice Bistro, and had a great 5 hour dinner.
I tried rilletes (a peasant dish consisting of boiled pork, spices, and other ingredients and served similar to a pate) on toast, along with Quebec apple cider for an appetizer, and then a snitzel cordon bleu (stuffed with ham and brie) and a spectacular bottle of wine. I forgotten the name other than it was labelled XF which stood for extra fruit. I forwent my cesar salad and dessert as I was stuffed after those two courses. I did have a delectable truffle (cappuccino) for dessert and some armagnac, and thought that should have been it, I indulged myself and had another armagnac, some sort of fortified wine (tasted sherry like) which is aged in cognac barrels, and finally to top it off a cappuccino.
Steph had Pommes au Bernard (grilled apples, with feta cheese, tomato, lettuce, with a vinaigrette dressing), the snitzel cordon bleu along with the same wine I had. Dessert consisted of tiramisu, two cappuccinos, and tried the fortified wine (I ended up drinking the bulk of hers) and an almond truffle.
All in all a pretty good night. The cabbie whom we will use whenever possible now as he is a very entertaining, personable, friendly, interesting person, drove us there and back and again entertained us, and told us about going to Las Vegas (I actually want to go now) because I was unaware that Top Gun moved Nellis AFB so on a good night I would get a little bit of a show while sitting on the top of the hotel drinking a pina colada.
I was shocked that the owners remembered where we were sitting the last time we were there with my father. I even remember the chair but it’s hard not to forget that. I guess perhaps he had a bigger effect on them than I thought. Who knows? I do know that he was one of their favourite customers.
Oddly the topic of most of tonight’s dinner was weddings, what I want because Steph found it interesting, and different that I have been planning my wedding for close to 20 years.
I told her that the scaled down version would cost at least one hundred thousand dollars. That I have no idea on location simply because there are not any spectacular cathedrals around where I live.
Most of the money would be at the reception and go to food and the orchestra.
Honeymoons also came up, and while I would love to do the 28 day transatlantic cruise, even better would be a 30 day tour of France, and particularly the burgundy region which is rich and famous with my family’s heritage.
I’ve been sitting here for over 2 hours listing to music (right now the phantom of the opera – original Toronto cast recording) and I have installed the camera drivers so I finally downloaded a bunch of pictures.
There are some pretty good ones. The one of me from my chicken wing expedition few days ago looks hilarious. I never realized how messy I was when I ate chicken wings, and these wings weren’t even extraordinarily saucy.
Pics to come tomorrow since Steph is bored silly, I should go do something with her.