Saturday, May 14, 2005
Preview of upcoming video
YAY embeded video now up and running
Steph told me that I look funny in this video. Thanks Steph! That’s what every guy needs to hear from their girlfriends.
Okay I though I looked a little funny too, but it’s because of the way I’m holding the camera. Honest, I swear it is…
You may not see video right away as it takes time to download. Feel free to scroll down and look at some pictures, and audio clips, or read while it’s loading. As long as you don’t leave this page it will load automatically and a video will appear when it’s ready to be viewed.
Okay I though I looked a little funny too, but it’s because of the way I’m holding the camera. Honest, I swear it is…
You may not see video right away as it takes time to download. Feel free to scroll down and look at some pictures, and audio clips, or read while it’s loading. As long as you don’t leave this page it will load automatically and a video will appear when it’s ready to be viewed.
You know you're old when...

A really good black and white one of mediea. Medeeha. (No idea how to spell her name) I just realized there were no pictures of her on the webstie yet.

Friday the 13th is over and I survived another one
Kitchen update # day # 20 – I found out that there is an expected shipment for the cabinet coming on Tuesday, wait that may have been yesterday. Anyhow other than that nothing has been done and seems like there will be nothing down for a few weeks at least.
There are a couple of new updates on my blog. As well as a nice picture of me as a drowned rat taken earlier today.
Well there were downs and no ups for the day but I still came through without a scratch, and only some slight boredom.
I have my stories blog pretty much set up and ready for stories, now all I need is the stories which I have yet to write yet. I don’t have any old ones either.
I was extremely board and didn’t go shopping, yet at the same time I went out to see Steph. I don’t know why I did, she doesn’t know either.
I actually had cabin fever earlier today. I didn’t want to do any housework, and I was pacing wanting to go out but it was raining every time I was ready to go. I do have to go out tomorrow, or the day after, as soon as my shoes dry, preferably without me using a blow dryer on them.
I want the new Cena album. I know that sounds corny and lame but I’ve heard a few of his songs and actually they aren’t that bad.
It’s amazing how brain dead I have become the last few weeks, it’s as if I can’t think about or care about anything anymore other than myself, and even then it doesn’t feel right.
I’ve lost all interest in 90 % + of things I don’t care about. This is my depressive cycle, starting in feb/mar and should last until jun/jul so who knows what I’ll be like, say or do. Hopefully I won’t go to bed for 3 weeks strait and then wake up and try and kill myself like I have in the past.
There are a couple of new updates on my blog. As well as a nice picture of me as a drowned rat taken earlier today.
Well there were downs and no ups for the day but I still came through without a scratch, and only some slight boredom.
I have my stories blog pretty much set up and ready for stories, now all I need is the stories which I have yet to write yet. I don’t have any old ones either.
I was extremely board and didn’t go shopping, yet at the same time I went out to see Steph. I don’t know why I did, she doesn’t know either.
I actually had cabin fever earlier today. I didn’t want to do any housework, and I was pacing wanting to go out but it was raining every time I was ready to go. I do have to go out tomorrow, or the day after, as soon as my shoes dry, preferably without me using a blow dryer on them.
I want the new Cena album. I know that sounds corny and lame but I’ve heard a few of his songs and actually they aren’t that bad.
It’s amazing how brain dead I have become the last few weeks, it’s as if I can’t think about or care about anything anymore other than myself, and even then it doesn’t feel right.
I’ve lost all interest in 90 % + of things I don’t care about. This is my depressive cycle, starting in feb/mar and should last until jun/jul so who knows what I’ll be like, say or do. Hopefully I won’t go to bed for 3 weeks strait and then wake up and try and kill myself like I have in the past.

The drowned rat returning home. Did i mention I HATE going out in the rain, particuarly when it's very cold.

Friday, May 13, 2005
I hate the rain - why did I go out?

My moms new home, she'll be moving in summer 2006 if everything goes right. I'm jelious. I want one of the condos

My adopted baby - it was aborted and unwanted so I took it to my cyberhome!
Caution, this is a disturbing picture of a baby someone didn't want, so I decided to give him a proper home here on my blog.

If you're offended by this picture, don't blame me. I'm not the one who aborted it, I'm giving it a home! Picture courtesy of Adopt a dead baby website

If you're offended by this picture, don't blame me. I'm not the one who aborted it, I'm giving it a home! Picture courtesy of Adopt a dead baby website
A Metaphor?
Book Review – Cool Gardens by Serj Tankian
This is a very interesting and unique book.
I am not a fan of poetry however this book was just awe-inspiring
The author seems to be using his poetry to express his views on society, religion, and humanity however very rarely is what trying to be said understood on the first read.
The poetry itself is bizarre and twisted and at the same time enjoyable to read and try and understand. Lets not leave out the words funny, brilliant, and just down right want to make you scratch your head.
I love the layout, the way the poems see hand written, and the pictures/works of art are exceptionally stimulating.
I never though I would give a poetry book 4 out of 5 stars but this one deserves it!
I am not a fan of poetry however this book was just awe-inspiring
The author seems to be using his poetry to express his views on society, religion, and humanity however very rarely is what trying to be said understood on the first read.
The poetry itself is bizarre and twisted and at the same time enjoyable to read and try and understand. Lets not leave out the words funny, brilliant, and just down right want to make you scratch your head.
I love the layout, the way the poems see hand written, and the pictures/works of art are exceptionally stimulating.
I never though I would give a poetry book 4 out of 5 stars but this one deserves it!
Good morning world
Since blogger is down for some scheduled maintenance I have decided my audio post is going to be a traditional post.
Then she tells me she is trying, what I keep asking I find out that she hasn't tried it at all she just using it as an excuse.
I've told her the story of "I'm trying" or "I'm sorry". Instead of using those two phrases she should figure what she's done wrong and work on improving it.
I also told her that "I'm trying" is what a loser says. Losers try, winners do.
I know that makes me sound like asshole, but I am doing this out of nothing but love and a desire to help her.
I hate when maker cry, upset, but more stress on her than she needs. I also hate that in the past I have done things for her when I probably shouldn't have because that only reinforced your negative habits.
I really do love her! I guess which I didn't lose my temper so easily with her.
I've never heard her physically [on purpose], or called her any bad names, or put her down in any way.
I know that she is bright, intelligent, smart, brilliant and I wish he would learn that about herself two.
What upsets me even more, is this upsets me as well. I beat up myself, putting myself down because I can't help my girlfriend in a positive and productive manner.
She's even admitted to me that she doesn't know how to be a person. She was babysat by the TV is a child, she was never taught any life skills, or how to do things for self by her parents. Now age 23 she has to learn them all which makes it much more difficult. That doesn't mean that can't be done.
I really surprised and happy with NaturallySpeaking!! I've used it to dictate this entire her entry so far with very few misrecognized words.
So until I got little flustered today I was going to write The Story of Eep. At least probably the first couple of pages of it. However I seem to have lost my writing mood for the moment.
I wish to get to my books so I could read and do some reviews of them. I'm actually using that web site (insert link here) as excuse to read books. Only so they can write the review! I may just get a library card yet.
One of things they do need to do is put my audioblogger phone number on speed dial for all of my phones in the house. Wow does that sentence even make sense? That way when I wake up in the morning I can call in and post an entry without even getting out of bed.
Then she tells me she is trying, what I keep asking I find out that she hasn't tried it at all she just using it as an excuse.
I've told her the story of "I'm trying" or "I'm sorry". Instead of using those two phrases she should figure what she's done wrong and work on improving it.
I also told her that "I'm trying" is what a loser says. Losers try, winners do.
I know that makes me sound like asshole, but I am doing this out of nothing but love and a desire to help her.
I hate when maker cry, upset, but more stress on her than she needs. I also hate that in the past I have done things for her when I probably shouldn't have because that only reinforced your negative habits.
I really do love her! I guess which I didn't lose my temper so easily with her.
I've never heard her physically [on purpose], or called her any bad names, or put her down in any way.
I know that she is bright, intelligent, smart, brilliant and I wish he would learn that about herself two.
What upsets me even more, is this upsets me as well. I beat up myself, putting myself down because I can't help my girlfriend in a positive and productive manner.
She's even admitted to me that she doesn't know how to be a person. She was babysat by the TV is a child, she was never taught any life skills, or how to do things for self by her parents. Now age 23 she has to learn them all which makes it much more difficult. That doesn't mean that can't be done.
I really surprised and happy with NaturallySpeaking!! I've used it to dictate this entire her entry so far with very few misrecognized words.
So until I got little flustered today I was going to write The Story of Eep. At least probably the first couple of pages of it. However I seem to have lost my writing mood for the moment.
I wish to get to my books so I could read and do some reviews of them. I'm actually using that web site (insert link here) as excuse to read books. Only so they can write the review! I may just get a library card yet.
One of things they do need to do is put my audioblogger phone number on speed dial for all of my phones in the house. Wow does that sentence even make sense? That way when I wake up in the morning I can call in and post an entry without even getting out of bed.
Video blog test.
My first video blog. Hopefuly this works and I can produce many more, and ones that are much more interesting!

Thursday, May 12, 2005
Got the garden fixed – with pics
TO see the pics you have to click on the headline box (if reading this in opendiary) and go to my blog, as it took a few seconds to post all the pictures there (and read the same entry), compared to the 15 – 20 minutes here which I don’t want to spend time doing.
It was quite a long day so far. We were up at 9 when my mom came and dropped off the mulch, then it was off for some groceries, back home and we decided to get the garden done and over with.
We headed out and (not finding what I wanted) came across the green fence thingies you see in the after pictures. They actually look really nice and we’ve already had 2 complements about them.
It took about 6 hours of work and really it seemed to go by quickly. Steph was a great trooper through all of this. My only complaint was that at pointes she seemed to have no idea what to do, however I think that is partly my fault for not communicating with her effectively. I’m not mad at her; at times she amazed me today.
Steph’s done her shower so we’re off to do her blog now and set it up nicely.
I have 1 reader who now reads my blog through a feed. You can read my blog through any news reader, My Yahoo or My MSN. Pretty cool, it will show up right on your start page I guess. I haven’t really looked into it.
I know it’s childish to get excited about things like that but I do.
Later tonight I should have my first video blog up. I’m super excited about that. The endless posibilites. Stephs’ on her way down time to post.
It was quite a long day so far. We were up at 9 when my mom came and dropped off the mulch, then it was off for some groceries, back home and we decided to get the garden done and over with.
We headed out and (not finding what I wanted) came across the green fence thingies you see in the after pictures. They actually look really nice and we’ve already had 2 complements about them.
It took about 6 hours of work and really it seemed to go by quickly. Steph was a great trooper through all of this. My only complaint was that at pointes she seemed to have no idea what to do, however I think that is partly my fault for not communicating with her effectively. I’m not mad at her; at times she amazed me today.
Steph’s done her shower so we’re off to do her blog now and set it up nicely.
I have 1 reader who now reads my blog through a feed. You can read my blog through any news reader, My Yahoo or My MSN. Pretty cool, it will show up right on your start page I guess. I haven’t really looked into it.
I know it’s childish to get excited about things like that but I do.
Later tonight I should have my first video blog up. I’m super excited about that. The endless posibilites. Stephs’ on her way down time to post.

After picture of our garden.- oops I didn't take a before picture of this one. But it was all stones, and full of grass, no mulch