Friday, June 24, 2005
PSW Graduation. Congratulations Steph - with pix
Steph graduation was today. She graduated from the Personal Support Worker Programme. It was a tough challenge for her, but I know that looking back not only does she wonder how she made it. I'm sure she would tell you that it was easier said than done.
While she isn't officially graduated until Saturday (her last day of clinical) she got her paper's and all that good stuff today.
She got her PSW Certificate, Honour Roll for having a 90 % or higher average, and the brown noser that she is (joking she worked hard and was never a brown noser I wouldn't let her be one) got the perfect attendance award.
The ceremony was horrid. It was totally disorganized, the sound didn't work (which meant a few hundred people sitting there for almost2 hours with no idea of what was going on.
My mom commented that that was one of the more lively ones she's been to. Being a professor of nursing the bulk of her professional life she has been to I'd guess 30 in her life, and that's not counting her own 3 or 4.
Steph's parents never made it but with her mom finally working, her brother too young to drive, and her father working 17 hours a day for over a month it's understandable.
After the ceremony and reception; where my mom met one of her old colleagues (Steph's teacher), it was back home where Steph opened her present from my mom It was a monetary reward and a Dr. Susie book on life after graduation. It was a cute little book. I don't remember the name of it.
Then we went to Cayce's for dinner where the waitress flirted with me, Steph made funny faces, I got hot sauce in my eye which made me shriek in pain, and ended up being stuffed. I got decently spicy chicken wings there, they weren't that spicy. The hot sauce they gave me as an add on was called possible side effects. I have used it at home quite extensively and it is very powerful. I had never until this evening gotten any in my eye. It hurt.
There wasn't really much to the day that isn't explained either here or in the pictures.
While she isn't officially graduated until Saturday (her last day of clinical) she got her paper's and all that good stuff today.
She got her PSW Certificate, Honour Roll for having a 90 % or higher average, and the brown noser that she is (joking she worked hard and was never a brown noser I wouldn't let her be one) got the perfect attendance award.
The ceremony was horrid. It was totally disorganized, the sound didn't work (which meant a few hundred people sitting there for almost2 hours with no idea of what was going on.
My mom commented that that was one of the more lively ones she's been to. Being a professor of nursing the bulk of her professional life she has been to I'd guess 30 in her life, and that's not counting her own 3 or 4.
Steph's parents never made it but with her mom finally working, her brother too young to drive, and her father working 17 hours a day for over a month it's understandable.
After the ceremony and reception; where my mom met one of her old colleagues (Steph's teacher), it was back home where Steph opened her present from my mom It was a monetary reward and a Dr. Susie book on life after graduation. It was a cute little book. I don't remember the name of it.
Then we went to Cayce's for dinner where the waitress flirted with me, Steph made funny faces, I got hot sauce in my eye which made me shriek in pain, and ended up being stuffed. I got decently spicy chicken wings there, they weren't that spicy. The hot sauce they gave me as an add on was called possible side effects. I have used it at home quite extensively and it is very powerful. I had never until this evening gotten any in my eye. It hurt.
There wasn't really much to the day that isn't explained either here or in the pictures.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Stopped work on the kitchen for who knows how long
My frustrations abound, not for the workmanship, or I don’t like the kitchen. It is because for at least the next month they are finished.
More screw ups logistically which means until the rest of the stuff arrives there is nothing that can be done to finish construction.
Not only can whoever ships from the cabinet supplier not count knobs, but they can not tell the difference between toe kick and light rail. Even I can tell and I’m fairly stupid when it comes to this sort of stuff.
So with not enough toe kick over head of the cabinets can not be finished, which means the recycle range hood can not be finished (it recycles the air and blows it back out the top as opposed to vents outside).
It turns out that the last box I got was not the cabinet like I was told. It was part of my desk. Thankfully they didn’t start to do my desk earlier because it wasn’t all here despite what I was told.
With out the cabinet that goes over the fridge they can not (obviously) install the cabinet, nor can they do all the trim, mouldings, and finishing touches.
That is really all that is left in the construction aspect of it (I think). Oh yea they still have to change that one blank plate from white to almond.
The guy is coming to measure for the backsplash on the 22nd and I still haven’t fully decided how I’m going to actually do it, or where I’m actually going to backsplash.
I think I’m just going to do the back wall and not worry about the sides where the counter tops are. I know I’m not doing behind the desk. I’m still not sure about doing the back wall of the microwave counter. I have to have that final decision tomorrow.
Hopefully my mom does come and pick up her tree today so that between her and Steph I get some good opinions on what would look best, and be most functional.
I know you wanted to see it. So here is a picture of my new desk. Oh yea about the desk. The top left drawer is wrong so that has to be replaced. Just another one of those minor annoyances that has plagued this project.

More screw ups logistically which means until the rest of the stuff arrives there is nothing that can be done to finish construction.
Not only can whoever ships from the cabinet supplier not count knobs, but they can not tell the difference between toe kick and light rail. Even I can tell and I’m fairly stupid when it comes to this sort of stuff.
So with not enough toe kick over head of the cabinets can not be finished, which means the recycle range hood can not be finished (it recycles the air and blows it back out the top as opposed to vents outside).
It turns out that the last box I got was not the cabinet like I was told. It was part of my desk. Thankfully they didn’t start to do my desk earlier because it wasn’t all here despite what I was told.
With out the cabinet that goes over the fridge they can not (obviously) install the cabinet, nor can they do all the trim, mouldings, and finishing touches.
That is really all that is left in the construction aspect of it (I think). Oh yea they still have to change that one blank plate from white to almond.
The guy is coming to measure for the backsplash on the 22nd and I still haven’t fully decided how I’m going to actually do it, or where I’m actually going to backsplash.
I think I’m just going to do the back wall and not worry about the sides where the counter tops are. I know I’m not doing behind the desk. I’m still not sure about doing the back wall of the microwave counter. I have to have that final decision tomorrow.
Hopefully my mom does come and pick up her tree today so that between her and Steph I get some good opinions on what would look best, and be most functional.
I know you wanted to see it. So here is a picture of my new desk. Oh yea about the desk. The top left drawer is wrong so that has to be replaced. Just another one of those minor annoyances that has plagued this project.
Monday, June 20, 2005
I can’t sleep, thought I’d ramble about my life
Here I lay in bed, listening to my natural concentration CD and thinking about life.
My best friend from grade nine popped by today. He came to see his father (he is buried near my house).
I had been thinking of him quite a lot and just kept (like everyone else) putting off calling him.
Seeing him was weird. I even dare say we've grown apart. Who knows. I could tell that he wasn't all there mentally. His fathers death pretty much destroyed him.
I have a feeling that they are not going to have the kitchen finished tomorrow.
When the guy called he made no mention of doing the desk, toe kicks, trim, or any other number of finishing touches. At least they are doing something.
J pointed out something. I am closer than ever to a driving range (and it's a very good one), yet I haven't hit golf balls in over two years. Neither has he. I don't have an excuse to be hitting a couple times a week. It is close enough I could even walk.
I think I'm ready to go back to work as it were. I was just embarking on a very promising acting career and put it on hold now perhaps longer than I should've.
I never wanted to do it for money or fame. I enjoy being someone else. I see acting, not so much as a job, more an escape from my own reality.
Jay was giving me shit about never wanting to leave my house.
I don't. I have no idea why that is. I've always been that way. There are minor exceptions of course; there always are.
I need to take dance lessons and get back in shape.
I think that turning 30 in les than a month is a good excuse to eat healthier, get more exercise, take better care of myself, and just all around be more active.
I've been thinking of courses, and classes I can take (besides performance ones) that would look good on my resume.
I have always wanted to learn Kung-Fu and Aikido, but there are no places within a 20 min drive that teach them. I'm going to check again just to make sure though.
My knee is bothering me greatly. It feels like every time I try and straighten it, the knee cap (or the joint underneath) pops painfully in and/or out of place.
At least I can walk relatively decently, and I'm not falling over any more.
If I'm going to keep writing entries in bed, I should get the keyboard for my palm. I also want to set up a wi-fi network so I can surf the net and stuff for times like this when it is 2:16 am, and I can't sleep but I don't want to get out of bed.
The past two weeks has seen me gain over 10 pounds. I am really not that happy with myself about that.
It was a combination of being very immobile, eating junk, and skipping meals. Starting Monday (fuck I just realized it is today) it is back to my diet, and once I go back to see the doctors, some sort of low impact exercise.
Hitting golf balls is more exercise than it looks.
I remember one summer I played golf about every other week at least, and over a thee (or four) month period lost nearly 30 pounds. I played without a cart.
I just have problems exercising for exercising sake. I always have. Now if there is a specific reason or event to train for I have no problem.
My best friend from grade nine popped by today. He came to see his father (he is buried near my house).
I had been thinking of him quite a lot and just kept (like everyone else) putting off calling him.
Seeing him was weird. I even dare say we've grown apart. Who knows. I could tell that he wasn't all there mentally. His fathers death pretty much destroyed him.
I have a feeling that they are not going to have the kitchen finished tomorrow.
When the guy called he made no mention of doing the desk, toe kicks, trim, or any other number of finishing touches. At least they are doing something.
J pointed out something. I am closer than ever to a driving range (and it's a very good one), yet I haven't hit golf balls in over two years. Neither has he. I don't have an excuse to be hitting a couple times a week. It is close enough I could even walk.
I think I'm ready to go back to work as it were. I was just embarking on a very promising acting career and put it on hold now perhaps longer than I should've.
I never wanted to do it for money or fame. I enjoy being someone else. I see acting, not so much as a job, more an escape from my own reality.
Jay was giving me shit about never wanting to leave my house.
I don't. I have no idea why that is. I've always been that way. There are minor exceptions of course; there always are.
I need to take dance lessons and get back in shape.
I think that turning 30 in les than a month is a good excuse to eat healthier, get more exercise, take better care of myself, and just all around be more active.
I've been thinking of courses, and classes I can take (besides performance ones) that would look good on my resume.
I have always wanted to learn Kung-Fu and Aikido, but there are no places within a 20 min drive that teach them. I'm going to check again just to make sure though.
My knee is bothering me greatly. It feels like every time I try and straighten it, the knee cap (or the joint underneath) pops painfully in and/or out of place.
At least I can walk relatively decently, and I'm not falling over any more.
If I'm going to keep writing entries in bed, I should get the keyboard for my palm. I also want to set up a wi-fi network so I can surf the net and stuff for times like this when it is 2:16 am, and I can't sleep but I don't want to get out of bed.
The past two weeks has seen me gain over 10 pounds. I am really not that happy with myself about that.
It was a combination of being very immobile, eating junk, and skipping meals. Starting Monday (fuck I just realized it is today) it is back to my diet, and once I go back to see the doctors, some sort of low impact exercise.
Hitting golf balls is more exercise than it looks.
I remember one summer I played golf about every other week at least, and over a thee (or four) month period lost nearly 30 pounds. I played without a cart.
I just have problems exercising for exercising sake. I always have. Now if there is a specific reason or event to train for I have no problem.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
I don’t understand why someone would want materialistic things.
This doesn’t mean that I don’t understand money. I know that money is exchanged for goods or services which now a days some of which keep you alive (since picking your vegetables no longer requires you going to your own field or getting a chicken doesn’t involve chasing a headless chicken around your compound for an hour before plucking it)
I just don’t understand why someone needs a 5 million dollar mansion, or drive a 5 hundred thousand dollar car.
Why is it that we feel good by surrounding ourselves with over priced crap that we don’t need, when that money could go to much better use?
Yes I like nice things, I like expensive things, I love to go to thrift shops, and dumpster dive. Some of my nicest things have actually been free.
It amazes me what people throw out because of a broken wheel. I’ll give you an example right now.
That chair costs 50 $ at Staples, and it was in great shape with only a few dirty spots from where it had been sitting outside for a few hours. The only thing wrong with it was one broken wheel which I can fix for a few dollars, or just take all the wheels off. Given it is going in the kitchen the later may be the best idea.
Steph didn’t want to go and pick it up because she was shy and didn’t want people to think less of her because she was pilfering someone else’s trash.
After wining and throwing a small temper tantrum she went and got it. Said she got it for me until I pointed out that she now has a new chair for her desk. It turns out that Gizmo now has a new lounging area and has covered it in cat hair in no time.
Steph would have gone out and bough a chair and ended up wasting money she didn’t need to. Something I’m trying to get her to stop doing simply because there is no need to buy everything new.
Not even sure what the point was to this entry. I just have had that on my chest for a few days and had to get it out I guess.
I just don’t understand why someone needs a 5 million dollar mansion, or drive a 5 hundred thousand dollar car.
Why is it that we feel good by surrounding ourselves with over priced crap that we don’t need, when that money could go to much better use?
Yes I like nice things, I like expensive things, I love to go to thrift shops, and dumpster dive. Some of my nicest things have actually been free.
It amazes me what people throw out because of a broken wheel. I’ll give you an example right now.
That chair costs 50 $ at Staples, and it was in great shape with only a few dirty spots from where it had been sitting outside for a few hours. The only thing wrong with it was one broken wheel which I can fix for a few dollars, or just take all the wheels off. Given it is going in the kitchen the later may be the best idea.
Steph didn’t want to go and pick it up because she was shy and didn’t want people to think less of her because she was pilfering someone else’s trash.
After wining and throwing a small temper tantrum she went and got it. Said she got it for me until I pointed out that she now has a new chair for her desk. It turns out that Gizmo now has a new lounging area and has covered it in cat hair in no time.
Steph would have gone out and bough a chair and ended up wasting money she didn’t need to. Something I’m trying to get her to stop doing simply because there is no need to buy everything new.
Not even sure what the point was to this entry. I just have had that on my chest for a few days and had to get it out I guess.
I'm a Pagan.
![]() | I've done this test a couple times in the past, and always come put with the same results. You scored as Paganism. Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion.
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version) created with |
First father’s day without my father
I was for some reason under the impression that fathers day was last Friday and had my own private little thing, however I was wrong. I always forget that it is on a Sunday.
My mom today when I saw her asked if it was going to be odd or sad on father’s day.
You know for a few moments I shed some hidden tears and thought that yea it’s going to be hard.
Then I realized that it won’t be that hard. After all look at where my father is. He’s on the other side, which really isn’t that far. It’s not like I’ve never seen him or spoken to him since he died last July. It’s not like he abandoned me or forgot about me. He’s come to visit me in my dreams many times to let me know he’s okay, alive and well.
I guess I just have a different concept of death than most people. I take strength at times like this in my spirituality and beliefs.
I take comfort in knowing that while he is dead physically, now more than ever he is a free to do whatever the hell he wants sprit.
All I really have of him are some photos I’m not fully sure about, and some faded memories but really that’s all anyone has of anyone else. The only difference is that we whom are alive make more memories.
I still remember his last few hours on earth. For the first time in months he was speaking coherently, telling me about the fishing trip he was planning to go on in a little while. I didn’t realize he was being serious.
He’s back home, where I want to be, with him. However I still have many years left here to do whatever the fuck it is that I have to do.
Because of him I can pursue my dreams and goals without worry. I’ve taken almost a year off from doing what I want to do, to screw my head on as it were. Things are coming together and in a few months I embark back on the trail I was blazing for myself.
Happy Fathers Day dad! I love you and miss you even though I know you are a thought away.
My mom today when I saw her asked if it was going to be odd or sad on father’s day.
You know for a few moments I shed some hidden tears and thought that yea it’s going to be hard.
Then I realized that it won’t be that hard. After all look at where my father is. He’s on the other side, which really isn’t that far. It’s not like I’ve never seen him or spoken to him since he died last July. It’s not like he abandoned me or forgot about me. He’s come to visit me in my dreams many times to let me know he’s okay, alive and well.
I guess I just have a different concept of death than most people. I take strength at times like this in my spirituality and beliefs.
I take comfort in knowing that while he is dead physically, now more than ever he is a free to do whatever the hell he wants sprit.
All I really have of him are some photos I’m not fully sure about, and some faded memories but really that’s all anyone has of anyone else. The only difference is that we whom are alive make more memories.
I still remember his last few hours on earth. For the first time in months he was speaking coherently, telling me about the fishing trip he was planning to go on in a little while. I didn’t realize he was being serious.
He’s back home, where I want to be, with him. However I still have many years left here to do whatever the fuck it is that I have to do.
Because of him I can pursue my dreams and goals without worry. I’ve taken almost a year off from doing what I want to do, to screw my head on as it were. Things are coming together and in a few months I embark back on the trail I was blazing for myself.
Happy Fathers Day dad! I love you and miss you even though I know you are a thought away.