Friday, June 24, 2005
PSW Graduation. Congratulations Steph - with pix
Steph graduation was today. She graduated from the Personal Support Worker Programme. It was a tough challenge for her, but I know that looking back not only does she wonder how she made it. I'm sure she would tell you that it was easier said than done.
While she isn't officially graduated until Saturday (her last day of clinical) she got her paper's and all that good stuff today.
She got her PSW Certificate, Honour Roll for having a 90 % or higher average, and the brown noser that she is (joking she worked hard and was never a brown noser I wouldn't let her be one) got the perfect attendance award.
The ceremony was horrid. It was totally disorganized, the sound didn't work (which meant a few hundred people sitting there for almost2 hours with no idea of what was going on.
My mom commented that that was one of the more lively ones she's been to. Being a professor of nursing the bulk of her professional life she has been to I'd guess 30 in her life, and that's not counting her own 3 or 4.
Steph's parents never made it but with her mom finally working, her brother too young to drive, and her father working 17 hours a day for over a month it's understandable.
After the ceremony and reception; where my mom met one of her old colleagues (Steph's teacher), it was back home where Steph opened her present from my mom It was a monetary reward and a Dr. Susie book on life after graduation. It was a cute little book. I don't remember the name of it.
Then we went to Cayce's for dinner where the waitress flirted with me, Steph made funny faces, I got hot sauce in my eye which made me shriek in pain, and ended up being stuffed. I got decently spicy chicken wings there, they weren't that spicy. The hot sauce they gave me as an add on was called possible side effects. I have used it at home quite extensively and it is very powerful. I had never until this evening gotten any in my eye. It hurt.
There wasn't really much to the day that isn't explained either here or in the pictures.
While she isn't officially graduated until Saturday (her last day of clinical) she got her paper's and all that good stuff today.
She got her PSW Certificate, Honour Roll for having a 90 % or higher average, and the brown noser that she is (joking she worked hard and was never a brown noser I wouldn't let her be one) got the perfect attendance award.
The ceremony was horrid. It was totally disorganized, the sound didn't work (which meant a few hundred people sitting there for almost2 hours with no idea of what was going on.
My mom commented that that was one of the more lively ones she's been to. Being a professor of nursing the bulk of her professional life she has been to I'd guess 30 in her life, and that's not counting her own 3 or 4.
Steph's parents never made it but with her mom finally working, her brother too young to drive, and her father working 17 hours a day for over a month it's understandable.
After the ceremony and reception; where my mom met one of her old colleagues (Steph's teacher), it was back home where Steph opened her present from my mom It was a monetary reward and a Dr. Susie book on life after graduation. It was a cute little book. I don't remember the name of it.
Then we went to Cayce's for dinner where the waitress flirted with me, Steph made funny faces, I got hot sauce in my eye which made me shriek in pain, and ended up being stuffed. I got decently spicy chicken wings there, they weren't that spicy. The hot sauce they gave me as an add on was called possible side effects. I have used it at home quite extensively and it is very powerful. I had never until this evening gotten any in my eye. It hurt.
There wasn't really much to the day that isn't explained either here or in the pictures.