Friday, July 08, 2005
Who really bombed London
My heart goes out to the Londoners who where bombed by
their own government
I hate to have to write yet another one of these articles
in which the few hours of a major terrorist event do not add up with what is put
out later.
George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth seems to no longer even
retract new stories and favours for just editing them in real time. A case in
point is what Associated Press did yesterday.
Associated Press reported that on an Israeli State
Television Station it was reported that Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu was warned of the bombings before the first explosion. The Finance
Minster was supposed to be attending an economic conference that was to be held
just above one of the targets.
When the first bomb went off the Israeli Finance Minister
was comfortably in his hotel room, and not en route as he should have been, the
site of the first bombing.
Later AP didn’t retract that story but changed it in real
time to say that the Israeli Finance Minister was warned after the first
There will be records that will come out about when the
Israeli Finance Minster cancelled his attendance at the event, and why he wasn’t
on his way to the conference. I’m sure someone somewhere has a copy of the
Israeli TV news article that states the Finance Minister was informed before the
first blast. But let’s forget about that for now.
According to the timeline the first blast went off at 8:49
am. At 9:40 am the police are issuing statements that it was a massive power
surge. It wasn’t until 10:21 am that any official word from the British
Government that it was bomb blasts and not a power surge.
So let’s just take the “official” story which has a giant
hole in it. Even if the Israeli Finance Minster was warned after the first bomb
blast, how come the two stories?
Why was an Israeli government official told it was a bomb
blast, the public and mass media told it was a power surge when at least someone
in the British Government knew it wasn’t?
At the time of writing this, the Israeli Government has
told its employees not to talk to the media about the London terror bombings.
That is very reminiscent of September 11th 2001
when the FAA and other US Government Agencies warned the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Salmond Rushdie, and Mayor Willie Brown not to fly on September 11th;
or Attorney General John Ashcroft who switched a few months before to charter
flights instead of commercial fights as had been his method of travel for years.
Prime Minster Tony Blair was very quick to link this to an
unknown Al-Qaeda group that according to Prime Minister “clamed” responsibly for
the attacks. Thus ensuring that every mass media outlet would link this to
His sources were a web posting on the internet. First off,
I could post saying that the Easter Bunny, or Santa Clause was responsible for
the terrorist bombings. While sounding ludicrous, what makes it different than
someone posting saying it was Al-Qaeda. Without verification it’s all the
same. There is no proof a 12 year old practical joker, or a British Government
agent posted it.
Whom ever posted it claming to be Al-Qaeda wasn’t a member
of the organization and perhaps not even Islamic.
According to
translator Jacob Keryakes, who said that a copy of the message was later posted
on a secular Web site, noted that the claim of responsibility contained an error
in one of the Quranic verses it cited. That suggests that the claim may be
phoney, he said.
"This is not something al-Qaida would do," he said.
The web posting also does not contain any direct admittance
since the post refers to "the heroic mujahedeen"; as if it the post is written
in praise and not an admittance of responsibility.
I am sure that there is more holes in the official story
out there now, and there will be in the days and weeks to come.
However that doesn’t answer the question why? Why did this
My answer is as sad as the tragedy itself. Control of the
British people, and those around the world.
Currently the national ID card in England is at a 15 %
approval rating, the prime minister barely won an election; and did so only
thanks to a timely attack on the British embassy in New York, the war against
terror and Iraq are at all time lows, no one is paying attention to the Karl
Rove enditement, and all the lies and corruption soundings the war on terror,
the war in Iraq, and domestically.
The British Government announced very recently that they
were pulling out of both Afghanistan and Iraq, making any fundamentalist happy
and leaving no reason to attack London. The only reason to justify staying in
Afghanistan, Iraq, and increasing the war on terror would be a terrorist
attack. That way Tony Blair can point the finger and say “see I told you so,
you’re not safe, give up more of your liberty and freedoms, you must to accept
it to stay safe.”
I just have to ask where the 4.5 million closed circuit
cameras that are monitored 24 hours a day covering almost every square inch of
London were pointed on July 7.
How did they go unnoticed while planning a series of bombs
yet the same inept government that can’t uncover a plot to detonate 4 bombs can
arrest and detain people who are suspiciously taking pictures of landmarks.
I can assure you that just like September 11th
and the rushing through of the Patriot Act, now the British Parliament will rush
though and pass emergency rest powers, make fully operational the “rest and
relaxation” centers that have been set up years ago (for just such an incident),
pass the national ID card, and use this as a pretext to invade Iran.
Links and resources:
hit London Underground, buses
Explosions In London: Who Stands To Gain?
Attack On London: Blair Plays The Terror Card
Bus in London was DIVERTED, then picked up Tube survivors
Giuliani was in London when the bombs went off
London Bombing has the Scent of
an Inside Job
Report: Israel Was Warned Ahead of First Blast
'Secret Organisation - al-Qaeda in Europe'
Claims Responsibility For Attacks
Met Police Chief refers to attacks with words "ORDER OUT OF CHAOS"
Details of The UK Government's History of Bombing its Citizens
More Information About UK's Government
terrorist attack inevitable: police chief
Timeline: Series of explosions
Galloway Wary Of Staged Terror Attack As Pretext For Iran Invasion
Flashback: Operation Northwoods
Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job
June 7th: MI5 Downgraded London Terror Alert Level to its lowest since 2001
'Former MI5 agent said Israel bombed their own London embassy'
FLASHBACK: MARDID BOMBING - Madrid Bombers Linked to Spanish Security Service
Madrid Train Bomb Suspects Were Police Informants
Aznar Withholds Secret Madrid Bombing Intelligence Documents
Spain's govt 'twisted' bombings for gains
London Terror Mystery: What did
Bibi know – and when did he know it?
Passenger believes he saw bomber
Timers Used in Blasts, Police
Say; Parallels to Madrid Are Found
Frenzied speculation over London "suicide" bus bomber
An Illuminati Ordered 'Terrorist' Attack In London
London bombs killed 'at least 50'
Mobiles capture blast aftermath
Hotels 'cash in' on bomb attacks