Thursday, September 01, 2005


Yay I have the net again - my modem broke

Yay I have the net again - my modem broke


Well on the good note I ended up getting my new modem today, and as soon as they changed it the net worked.

Now I'm installing all those programs I have, and downloading the ones I need, and copying over the files from backed up sources.

I found a couple of blank CDs so I'm also going to back up some (as many as I can) pictures just incase.  I lost two years worth of pictures once and I wasn't happy about it.

Steph came back this morning and was glad to be home.  I wanted to sleep until 10:30 but she would not let me.

It always amazes her that I can sleep through the buzzer of the alarm clock.

My poor sore finger is tender but with mild discomfort I can type again which is thrilling

Again today Steph did nothing about finding a job which is frustrating because in the real world you do not get a weekday off to recover from the weekend.

I wonder if I should remind her about our deal come the end of September.  

It is that if she does not spend a minimum five hours each weekday looking for work, the time September’s bills are due she looses her privileges for personal use, and I will provide her with the extreme bare necessities until she gets serious about looking.

I know that sounds mean and I don't want to do that but if it takes tough love then I'll give it.

We also before her PSW course set out a plan and it said that she would have a job in July, that way I could afford to go back into acting.

She did not comply, and I have continued to support her.

What makes it so bad though is that she complains about not having a job, but then does nothing to get on.

In the last month she has put out maybe twenty resumes over two days and that has been about it.

She has even turned down tow interviews saying she was looking for a PSW job, and then she didn't go out and look for a PSW job.

Gizmo is funny.  She has extra fur that covers her pads on her paws so she can't walk very well, and if she ever runs her method of stopping is sliding until either she runs out of momentum or collides with an object thus stopping her.

Quite often it is the back sliding door window that she uses to stop.  The evidence is little nose smudges, and odd clumps of hair stuck to the door that gets left after a resounding thump.

Mahdeea (I think that is how you spell her name) still dose not seem to get along too well with gizmo.

A half hour on my bike right now burns off the calories from one 710 ml bottle of coke.

I created this awesome spreadsheet that can track my weight and several other exercise statistics and break them down several ways.

My favs are:
  1. monthly comparison of time, distance, calories burnt

  2. a breakdown of my weight compared to my staring weight and previously entered weight.

I'm such a geek some times.  I figure it will motivate me by having to create the data to put in, and give me a goal to beat or maintain.

Helen is all nervous about her PSW course and whether or not she even got in.  I keep telling her how smart she is and that I know she can do it, and since she has wanted to do it back in high school the drive and wanting is there.

Well, the computer is pretty much up and running now.  Still have some things to install that are important (such as programs to take this entry from palm to computer).

I finally got some new movies.  Electra, National Treasure, and Aviator.

We watched the first two.  National Treasure skips in a few parts and Steph is going to take it back tomorrow when she goes to the doctor.

I have been riding my bike every day and can last at a good pace for about thirty minutes.  I think I will keep that thirty minutes until the start of September and then try for forty-five a coupe of times a week.

I have yet to use those arm things that came with it, and wish that I had some sort of computer programmed workouts but if I keep up the riding the next one I get will definitely have that.

On our way home tonight (between marry and Sarasota) Steph got hit in a drive by.  It wasn't a gun shot.  In fact we have no idea what hit her.

It seemed to bounce really well what ever it was.

As the black van (with its lights off) sped pat us, I heard and saw the sliding door close.

She is fine and only got a small bruise.  She was at the time very shaken up.

I assured her that it was totally random (we were the only two people around) act by a bunch of punks who watch too much brain rotting jackass and will probably have very shitty lives and that if they really wanted to hurt her they could have.

Oddly about five minutes before hand I had the voice telling me about Steph getting shot in the leg during a drive by.  

Tomorrow night we go to a "Mormon" house to get another couples perspective on it.

I'm excited for Steph to tell her story from the last time the missionaries were here.

It is a few entries back about Steph having her prayer answered as to the direction she wants to go in life.

Well I'm pretty exhausted and with Steph home now can't really spread out for a good nights sleep.

Hopefully I can post these entries soon.  I have four or five of them

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