Thursday, September 01, 2005
When life hands you a lemon...
When life hands you lemons...
30-08-05 nicely and say thank you. Then when life isn't looking throw the lemons away.
Today was one of those days. I just didn't want to get out of bed, or do anything.
I struggled to do thirty minutes on the bike but I did and went farther today than any other thirty minute ride to date.
Steph has an interview on Thursday at TCH retirement home. She doesn't seem overly excited or nervous about it. I know she'll do fine but she does need to do some preparing.
Helen got a phone call today from her PSW teacher.
She didn't pass the entrance test because although she got the question right the teacher did not count it because Helen used only one sentence to answer it.
Ahhh that great double think takes me back to when Steph was there and was told similar things that make no sense.
Now Helen thinks that she is stupid and not worth anything and that if she doesn't pass it next time then she'll just quit.
We went to the S's tonight and had a good chat with them and the missionaries.
They seem like a really nice couple and have a very uniquely decorated gorgeous home.
She loves antiques and collects some of the oddest things and manages to show them off in beautiful ways.
They also have four or five really cute dogs. One of which likes to steal the sock off your foot if you're not giving him attention.
While we were there one of their dogs farted and holy bean burritos did it stink.
The first time it farted I was in the middle of saying something and I got caught up trying not to laugh I found it so funny.
We (Steph and I) watched the aviator tonight. Wow it is a long movie. I really liked it but wow it was a long movie.
30-08-05 nicely and say thank you. Then when life isn't looking throw the lemons away.
Today was one of those days. I just didn't want to get out of bed, or do anything.
I struggled to do thirty minutes on the bike but I did and went farther today than any other thirty minute ride to date.
Steph has an interview on Thursday at TCH retirement home. She doesn't seem overly excited or nervous about it. I know she'll do fine but she does need to do some preparing.
Helen got a phone call today from her PSW teacher.
She didn't pass the entrance test because although she got the question right the teacher did not count it because Helen used only one sentence to answer it.
Ahhh that great double think takes me back to when Steph was there and was told similar things that make no sense.
Now Helen thinks that she is stupid and not worth anything and that if she doesn't pass it next time then she'll just quit.
We went to the S's tonight and had a good chat with them and the missionaries.
They seem like a really nice couple and have a very uniquely decorated gorgeous home.
She loves antiques and collects some of the oddest things and manages to show them off in beautiful ways.
They also have four or five really cute dogs. One of which likes to steal the sock off your foot if you're not giving him attention.
While we were there one of their dogs farted and holy bean burritos did it stink.
The first time it farted I was in the middle of saying something and I got caught up trying not to laugh I found it so funny.
We (Steph and I) watched the aviator tonight. Wow it is a long movie. I really liked it but wow it was a long movie.