Friday, September 02, 2005





Well my computer is pretty much all installed in terms of necessities and now I can set up Steph’s account easily.

My Mormon friends dropped by today.  They brought another missionary today.  We had a great chat about Mormonism.

Some time over the next few weeks I'm going to have the bishop over for dinner.  That should be cool.

Steph had her interview today and she seems to think that it went well.

Because of the union rules she would be doing two part time jobs and get full time when a vacancy (and her seniority) allow.

I have discovered that I have under 400 $ to last me the month and it is the first day.  I have no idea (actually I do but I hate to admit it) this happened.  I feel like such an idiot for allowing myself to get into this position.  

I need to go exercise and clear my head.  

I feel a little better now, and it only took me about 50 min on the bike.  I’m exhausted and it is 4 am so time for bed for me I think, I haven’t had much on my mind the past few days.  Oww my finger is still not type ready, still feels more than a little uncomfortable.

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