Friday, October 14, 2005
Fever of 101 Ferenheight
Well I have been sick for more than a full day now and the last temp reading was 101 F.
I don't want to dwell on it so I'll write on other things.
I can't wait for my new palm, I'll be able to surf the net from up here while I'm sick in bed.
Steph has set a date to become baptized a Mormon. I really didn't think she wanted too, and really think that she gave into pressure and smooth talking.
I never will be one simply because there are a few core issues I just can’t see their view on. Wow good English.
I challenged her on a few religious issues and she seemed hesitant to say yes. She just seems to think it is a giant social club.
Her period is gone.
Did you know that I love cognac and cigars two things I can no longer really have.
I think that diabetic ice cream is better than regular ice cram and it makes my throat feel good.
We went and saw Steph's Dr the other day and I'm convinced he's sexist.
Steph went three times in 6 weeks and was dismissed each time.
I went last time and he didn't pay attention to her at all, and did everything I requested and more, even requested emergency tests.
We haven't heard back yet, and see her doctor on October Wednesday.
Her Dr also handed all the test reqresuicions to me and not her.
Steph is doing a little better now. She can not be alone for too long or she gets scared and panics.
She also is able to go do things on her own again but tends to panic a little.
As long as she is on her clananzapanza she is okay and not nearly as obsessive about her body. Hopefully in a while we can get her off it all together.
I finally broke down and bought Pandora tomorrow. It is quite a fun game and nowhere nearly as hard as stolen which is another really fun but impossible game.
Well I have been sick for more than a full day now and the last temp reading was 101 F.
I don't want to dwell on it so I'll write on other things.
I can't wait for my new palm, I'll be able to surf the net from up here while I'm sick in bed.
Steph has set a date to become baptized a Mormon. I really didn't think she wanted too, and really think that she gave into pressure and smooth talking.
I never will be one simply because there are a few core issues I just can’t see their view on. Wow good English.
I challenged her on a few religious issues and she seemed hesitant to say yes. She just seems to think it is a giant social club.
Her period is gone.
Did you know that I love cognac and cigars two things I can no longer really have.
I think that diabetic ice cream is better than regular ice cram and it makes my throat feel good.
We went and saw Steph's Dr the other day and I'm convinced he's sexist.
Steph went three times in 6 weeks and was dismissed each time.
I went last time and he didn't pay attention to her at all, and did everything I requested and more, even requested emergency tests.
We haven't heard back yet, and see her doctor on October Wednesday.
Her Dr also handed all the test reqresuicions to me and not her.
Steph is doing a little better now. She can not be alone for too long or she gets scared and panics.
She also is able to go do things on her own again but tends to panic a little.
As long as she is on her clananzapanza she is okay and not nearly as obsessive about her body. Hopefully in a while we can get her off it all together.
I finally broke down and bought Pandora tomorrow. It is quite a fun game and nowhere nearly as hard as stolen which is another really fun but impossible game.