Sunday, August 21, 2005
The wedding was fun
The wedding was fun
21-08-05 7:35 pm
Well I have almost fully recovered from the wedding yesterday.
Will showed up just after 12 pm and chilled here at my house.
He was fascinated with my job and asked many good questions and pushed my beliefs and questioned me to as why I do what I do.
We had lunch and then tried to call a taxi. Our phone was out, and of course the 3 neighbors weren’t home.
We ended up having to go to a neighbors house whom we barley know. She has a gorgeous gigantic dog named patches. I like to call him bear because he looks just like a small bear cub.
Anyhow we got to the Italian club a little before the wedding was to start.
It was a nice quick ceremony, but the minister seemed to have no clue what he was doing.
They brought Frankie (Helen and Louie’s child whom is 3 months old or so) down the isle with him sitting on this little push thing tat looked like a fire truck. Frankie was a total show off.
His first mistake was to not tell people that they could be seated. We stood for about 1/3 of the ceremony. Then he mad a bunch of inappropriate comments, and was obviously reading something.
But aside from that it was a nice ceremony, but seemed odd when if you looked in any direction other than strait ahead you saw the dinner tables and bar.
After the ceremony the people left for pictures Steph, Will, and I went to Dairy Queen to kill an hour or so.
We chatted about life, and I drank 32 oz of coke.
We wandered back to the Italian club, and waited around for a few minutes until it was officially "open" handed in our card, and found our table, table # 17.
Shortly after we sat down we got up again to go through the receiving line.
We sat back down and killed about 2 hours until they actually served dinner.
I was stuffed after the 3rd course. People at the table were amazed that I could eat the hot peppers.
After the 4th course all hell broke loose, and dinner was no longer organized, and people where up and down and all over the place.
Then the dancing started, and the main courses were just hitting the tables.
The music was not my type and Steph was making fun of me.
Will left fairly early.
Steph and I started chatting with various people, and I excused my self be cause I wanted to talk to her privately about how happy I was for her and how I hope everything works out for her.
Well Steph got all upset and Helen went to calm her down.
Steph got calmed down further by myself after she cam back from the washroom.
We continued to talk to people and I had fun talking about the world wide cover up and manipulation.
It was amazing how many of them agreed that they all knew that something was going on but either they were scared to know the truth, or they didn't believe that they couldn't make a difference.
The wedding wound down around 1 am and there was only one incident, and it happened right at the end of the night.
Well that is the abridged version.
I had a great time, and paid for it this morning with a hang over. I didn't even drink that much but I did not consume nearly enough water.
Then today when Steph woke up she started to panic. She called tela-health, and spoke to my mom and then became even worse.
We left almost immediately for the clinic, and found out that she has hemorrhoids, and the UC doctor did not want to deal with the problem why we went, and said her family doctor.
Her family doctor (this was after I suggested to Steph that she may have hominoids) told Steph that there was no reason to worry about the bleeding from her ass because there is nothing wrong with her ass.
Her "complete" physical took 5 minutes.
21-08-05 7:35 pm
Well I have almost fully recovered from the wedding yesterday.
Will showed up just after 12 pm and chilled here at my house.
He was fascinated with my job and asked many good questions and pushed my beliefs and questioned me to as why I do what I do.
We had lunch and then tried to call a taxi. Our phone was out, and of course the 3 neighbors weren’t home.
We ended up having to go to a neighbors house whom we barley know. She has a gorgeous gigantic dog named patches. I like to call him bear because he looks just like a small bear cub.
Anyhow we got to the Italian club a little before the wedding was to start.
It was a nice quick ceremony, but the minister seemed to have no clue what he was doing.
They brought Frankie (Helen and Louie’s child whom is 3 months old or so) down the isle with him sitting on this little push thing tat looked like a fire truck. Frankie was a total show off.
His first mistake was to not tell people that they could be seated. We stood for about 1/3 of the ceremony. Then he mad a bunch of inappropriate comments, and was obviously reading something.
But aside from that it was a nice ceremony, but seemed odd when if you looked in any direction other than strait ahead you saw the dinner tables and bar.
After the ceremony the people left for pictures Steph, Will, and I went to Dairy Queen to kill an hour or so.
We chatted about life, and I drank 32 oz of coke.
We wandered back to the Italian club, and waited around for a few minutes until it was officially "open" handed in our card, and found our table, table # 17.
Shortly after we sat down we got up again to go through the receiving line.
We sat back down and killed about 2 hours until they actually served dinner.
I was stuffed after the 3rd course. People at the table were amazed that I could eat the hot peppers.
After the 4th course all hell broke loose, and dinner was no longer organized, and people where up and down and all over the place.
Then the dancing started, and the main courses were just hitting the tables.
The music was not my type and Steph was making fun of me.
Will left fairly early.
Steph and I started chatting with various people, and I excused my self be cause I wanted to talk to her privately about how happy I was for her and how I hope everything works out for her.
Well Steph got all upset and Helen went to calm her down.
Steph got calmed down further by myself after she cam back from the washroom.
We continued to talk to people and I had fun talking about the world wide cover up and manipulation.
It was amazing how many of them agreed that they all knew that something was going on but either they were scared to know the truth, or they didn't believe that they couldn't make a difference.
The wedding wound down around 1 am and there was only one incident, and it happened right at the end of the night.
Well that is the abridged version.
I had a great time, and paid for it this morning with a hang over. I didn't even drink that much but I did not consume nearly enough water.
Then today when Steph woke up she started to panic. She called tela-health, and spoke to my mom and then became even worse.
We left almost immediately for the clinic, and found out that she has hemorrhoids, and the UC doctor did not want to deal with the problem why we went, and said her family doctor.
Her family doctor (this was after I suggested to Steph that she may have hominoids) told Steph that there was no reason to worry about the bleeding from her ass because there is nothing wrong with her ass.
Her "complete" physical took 5 minutes.