Thursday, July 28, 2005
RIP Athena
Athena my degu died today at about 3:30 am. She is survived by her cage mate Persphonie, Athena (cat not degu), Tigger, Gizmo, Medhea, Steph, and myself.
I guess she lived to about her death age. Degus will live to be 3-9 years in wild and 4-9 years in captivity. I’ve had her for about 3 give or take a few months.
There really isn’t much more to say about this other than I wish I had given them more attention. I had just gotten them trained to eat out of my hand and now I have to help the other one through this loss.
I don’t know what I’m going to do about finding Persphonie a cage mate or just let her live out her life in solitude. She could live another 6 years or die next week. I do know that I am defiantly going to give her more attention now that she’s alone.
I have to move the cage to some place more central. The problem I have is they make a huge mess throwing their chips everywhere and it becomes a pain in the ass to clean off a carpet. The room I would keep her in would be carpeted.
I don’t know at this point I’m just rambling.