Saturday, July 30, 2005
Lil miss poop stain
Well I’m sitting here trying to think of what to write, I’ll start with the entry title.
Gizmo whom we had to have trimmed because of poo being caught in her fur, and massive knotting can not reach her own but to clean it so if no none else does inevitably stuff builds up and she leaves stains around the house, or on people. Not to mention the smell is now worse than before as it previously was hidden by the fur.
Today was a quite day. I went to bed about 10 am, and got up at 4 pm when the Mormons came to visit. They are an interesting bunch with a very unique view on life and the after life. They are so close to getting it right and at the same time so far. I’m not knocking their beliefs, after all what is important is that it works for you and helps you to find piece and comfort with yourself and life in general.
I have been listing to “the waltz of the flowers” as I write this and I think I know it as another name but I’m not sure.
I have a lot on my mind but nothing wants to come out at this late hour.
Steph is concerned about our dancing abilities for the upcoming social events we have been invited to, and I told her I know how to waltz (I haven’t done it in so long I have forgotten *cries*) and then pointed out that at these peoples events (who are not quite on of the same breeding) probably won’t be much time to waltz, but I pointed out we can adapt it to more bourgeois jungle noise.
Steph keeps asking about marriage. I actually have my dream wedding planned out. *gasps* yes I’m a guy and straight.
I would defiantly hire a wedding planner, and it would be black tie for the reception, I really have to have a chamber orchestra playing throughout dinner and provide for the dancing. There is more but I don’t want to get into all the details.
Part of the dowry is that the bride’s parents pay for the wedding. Well I already know that isn’t going to happen in my case.
Well today a year ago at 10:15 pm my father was pronounced dead. He actually died about 30 minutes earlier but his heard didn’t know to stop beating right away.
Tonight we are going out to dinner to celebrate; just Steph and I. I hope that my father shows up at some point but I probably wouldn’t know if he did or didn’t so I’m not going to hold my breath on that one. Incidentally this was the last restaurant I ever at with my father. It was our favourite one and I haven’t been back since.
I have no idea what I am going to have, all I can say is that there is nothing like the anticipation of a divine meal as that which I will be having in about 12 hours.
Sorry I drifted off for a moment. I was picturing my self waltzing away at hall in Vienna Austria while the orchestra plays on a balcony over looking the dance floor, the dance floor crowded with men in tuxes and ladies in ball gowns.
When is it that the people stopped listening to real music, and not this trash that passes for it today? I can’t even put today’s noise and music in the same sentence without cringing.
I know that there would be very few sad and depressed people. It has been proven that Bach changes a persons electrical currents that surge through there system in an positive way, just as a band like matlica has the opposite effect and actually causes a person to feel miserable.
Of course my theory is that people today (at least the bourgeois, uneducated, cretins) just do not have the attention span, to listen to a 15 minute sonata, nor do they take the time to listen to the music, the subtle changes seem to be lost on them. I don’t blame the people, I blame society for destroying and not giving a chance for the common person to hear, and learn, and appreciate real music. Sadly the same thing has happened with movies. Yea they used to be atrocity acted, and the dialog was predictable and banal but they relied on character building, plots. My how society has fallen the past 200 years or so.
I do know that there are “modern” versions of the classics and various forms of “classical (classical has become a very encompassing term for a variety of music genres)” music which are a good starting point.
Wow I must be tired I just read what I wrote.
Really nothing much exciting happened on Friday. Not much is planed for today other than dinner at Nice Bistro.
Man I have lost all brain foot coordination. I was never outstanding at it, but at least I could move them in the general direction properly.
Gizmo whom we had to have trimmed because of poo being caught in her fur, and massive knotting can not reach her own but to clean it so if no none else does inevitably stuff builds up and she leaves stains around the house, or on people. Not to mention the smell is now worse than before as it previously was hidden by the fur.
Today was a quite day. I went to bed about 10 am, and got up at 4 pm when the Mormons came to visit. They are an interesting bunch with a very unique view on life and the after life. They are so close to getting it right and at the same time so far. I’m not knocking their beliefs, after all what is important is that it works for you and helps you to find piece and comfort with yourself and life in general.
I have been listing to “the waltz of the flowers” as I write this and I think I know it as another name but I’m not sure.
I have a lot on my mind but nothing wants to come out at this late hour.
Steph is concerned about our dancing abilities for the upcoming social events we have been invited to, and I told her I know how to waltz (I haven’t done it in so long I have forgotten *cries*) and then pointed out that at these peoples events (who are not quite on of the same breeding) probably won’t be much time to waltz, but I pointed out we can adapt it to more bourgeois jungle noise.
Steph keeps asking about marriage. I actually have my dream wedding planned out. *gasps* yes I’m a guy and straight.
I would defiantly hire a wedding planner, and it would be black tie for the reception, I really have to have a chamber orchestra playing throughout dinner and provide for the dancing. There is more but I don’t want to get into all the details.
Part of the dowry is that the bride’s parents pay for the wedding. Well I already know that isn’t going to happen in my case.
Well today a year ago at 10:15 pm my father was pronounced dead. He actually died about 30 minutes earlier but his heard didn’t know to stop beating right away.
Tonight we are going out to dinner to celebrate; just Steph and I. I hope that my father shows up at some point but I probably wouldn’t know if he did or didn’t so I’m not going to hold my breath on that one. Incidentally this was the last restaurant I ever at with my father. It was our favourite one and I haven’t been back since.
I have no idea what I am going to have, all I can say is that there is nothing like the anticipation of a divine meal as that which I will be having in about 12 hours.
Sorry I drifted off for a moment. I was picturing my self waltzing away at hall in Vienna Austria while the orchestra plays on a balcony over looking the dance floor, the dance floor crowded with men in tuxes and ladies in ball gowns.
When is it that the people stopped listening to real music, and not this trash that passes for it today? I can’t even put today’s noise and music in the same sentence without cringing.
I know that there would be very few sad and depressed people. It has been proven that Bach changes a persons electrical currents that surge through there system in an positive way, just as a band like matlica has the opposite effect and actually causes a person to feel miserable.
Of course my theory is that people today (at least the bourgeois, uneducated, cretins) just do not have the attention span, to listen to a 15 minute sonata, nor do they take the time to listen to the music, the subtle changes seem to be lost on them. I don’t blame the people, I blame society for destroying and not giving a chance for the common person to hear, and learn, and appreciate real music. Sadly the same thing has happened with movies. Yea they used to be atrocity acted, and the dialog was predictable and banal but they relied on character building, plots. My how society has fallen the past 200 years or so.
I do know that there are “modern” versions of the classics and various forms of “classical (classical has become a very encompassing term for a variety of music genres)” music which are a good starting point.
Wow I must be tired I just read what I wrote.
Really nothing much exciting happened on Friday. Not much is planed for today other than dinner at Nice Bistro.
Man I have lost all brain foot coordination. I was never outstanding at it, but at least I could move them in the general direction properly.