Saturday, June 04, 2005
Some what of a success,
Kitchen update day # Insert day 41 - Well I got something done today. All the electrical work that could be done is now finished. I actually have a few things to report.
I’ll start off with the microwave. According to standards set out by the government every appliance must be on its own line (as the microwave is) and it is according to standards put behind the microwave. I was even shown the code in the book which was dated February 2005 so it was up to date. With nothing else on the line it shouldn’t blow if anything else is on. Of course when they asked for a demonstration it didn’t blow. I felt like an idiot. Of course they admitted that it shouldn’t blow at all. After some tests there was no detectable reason it was tripping the circuit so many times. Then it went out while no one was operating it. The electrician checked and there was power to the plug so now everyone is convinced that it was blowing (thankfully they don’t think I’m crazy) but most likely because the microwave itself is possessed by some joke playing entity. I’d like to think that rather than it is defective and I have to return it. Just to be on the safe side they did install a new circuit in case that was defective.
The hole in the hallway is going to be patched over, however the one in the dining room can not be patched because it is a junction box and if they ever need to access the wires they need to know where they are. I’m just going to piss everyone off and paint over it when the room gets painted. They are however going to put a cover that matches the rest of the décor.
They are going to make the microwave shelf bigger so that it fits. Oddly I asked if they could do that almost a month ago and I was told no.
The plug that wasn’t working wasn’t working because apparently I have aluminium wiring in parts of the house and in fact on this plug. Well it tends to break when it gets too hot and did so in this case on the ground wire which prevented the plug from working.
The more I think about it the more I don’t think I’m going to get someone in to inspect the electrical work. I don’t want to go through the hassles and I’m feeling better now that things are resolved.
They argued about weather or not I had paid for the fan remotes to be installed into the walls. My argument was that I had paid to have the fan remotes installed in the fan, doesn’t that count for them to be installed in the walls since it said right in the PO that I had paid to get them done. It shouldn’t matter that they go in the wall or not. In the end I won. They are now in, and I’m so grateful and perfectly placed too. The one I was worried about turns out to be perfectly at elbow level so if I’m carrying something I can just swing my hand around and hit the button without any vertical movement.
I don’t think they looked at the fuse box today to see which ones were miss numbered. It’s nothing I can’t do really; I just don’t see why I should have to. Of course since it is now a switch and not a hide and seek fuse I can just look for the tripped circuit and flip it back.
The cook top, they gave me 100 $ back for damages. That was nice of them. So far they have given me roughly 700 $ in free work. I feel bad for complaining when I remember that.
I was told today that they have heard of cases where it took people over a year to get their kitchen done, and the difference between me and them was that I complained, not only that but I did it nicely, not threatening to sue them or be all pissy as they put it.
So now all the electrical work is done other than a few things which need work or parts such as the extension of the microwave shelf.
They were really nice. The kitchen lady, boss man, and the head electrician were here, along with two of the big bosses. They understood as to why I was pissed off and frustrated.
They really understood why I was complaining after I dropped the time bomb. Today was the 41st day of construction; there were 6 days of actually work. Fiver of them on days 3 thru 7 and one more day around day 25 (give or take a day). Combine that with me being told there would be someone back roughly 20 days ago and no one showed up and I heard nothing.
They actually thanked me for being so understanding and polite through this. Getting things like that when I complain always make me feel good. I could have been an asshole to them but I know that doesn’t get anything done, and if so; defiantly not their top quality work.
Wow that was a lot about the kitchen today. I feel so much better now though. No longer do I have to worry about the work that could be done, getting done, nor being held up because of work that could be done. I hate wasting time, effort, and money. Today saved all three.
Steph finished her first clinical today and was glad it was over. She was more emotional than she though she would be about it.
The job she was offered seems to sound a little different every time she tells me about it. While it is still the night shift (11 pm to 7 am) now it may be on call or temporary, or part time. I’m not really sure anymore. I keep telling her she needs a full time job. Temporary or not doesn’t matter as long as she can save at least 1,000 $ a month for school and have spending money for herself.
I don’t know how I did it. I managed to stay awake from about 11 pm last night until about 4 pm today. Then I crashed until about 11:30 pm tonight. I barely remember getting up to show Steph how to cook the hamburgers.
My new hamburger recipe was a flop. I know what was wrong with it. I knew as I was making them what was wrong with them. I’m now attempting to hope the meat loaf which is being made with the left over uncooked patty meat will turn out decently edible. Steph didn’t want to hurt my feelings by telling me she chucked part of her burger. I did the same with mine. The texture was all wrong. They were tasty but the nasty texture made it almost inedible.
I’m almost done Pearl Moon and I can’t believe I read nearly 400 pages of this written diareaha however the story is interesting; Damn it. revolutioninmyeyes Said it best when she said that it is like a soap opera. Something you hate to watch for the bad acting, hate to admit you watch because it’s stupid, childish, and corny; yet you are drawn to it for the cheesy plot just to find out the ending.
So in an attempt to ensure the air conditioning works (before the + 30 Celsius or near 100 degrees F) and it is so fucking cold in my house now it isn’t funny. The thermostat is in the hottest room in the house under direct sunlight from about noon till sundown so to get that room cold, the rest of the house is an icebox. I sometimes have to turn the heater on in the basement in July and the air conditioner in the rest of the house. It doesn’t help that the exposed pipes brining in the cold air run though the basement unexposed. Seems a little funny to me. That I have to run the heater, not that the pipes go through the basement.
I have lost my ability to create. I wish I knew where it went. I used to be brilliant at writing, and creating fictional characters in an unreal world and melding the two into a great short story.
Even with the modern tools to help sort through everything needed to create a novel or lengthy story I find myself unable to find that spark of creativity. To any one out there who wishes to write but has problems organizing, and planning I recommend Dramatica Pro. I’ve used it well looked at it and it has helped. I have a cast of thousands with no play to perform in.
Steph thinks I’ve become a homosexually because I’ve been listening to show tunes lately. In reality I just miss going to plays, operas, symphonies, rare performances by the various legends that come to town.
Well my meat loaf will be ready in about 30 minutes. Fuck it’s freezing down here. I need to go put some clothes on.
I’ll start off with the microwave. According to standards set out by the government every appliance must be on its own line (as the microwave is) and it is according to standards put behind the microwave. I was even shown the code in the book which was dated February 2005 so it was up to date. With nothing else on the line it shouldn’t blow if anything else is on. Of course when they asked for a demonstration it didn’t blow. I felt like an idiot. Of course they admitted that it shouldn’t blow at all. After some tests there was no detectable reason it was tripping the circuit so many times. Then it went out while no one was operating it. The electrician checked and there was power to the plug so now everyone is convinced that it was blowing (thankfully they don’t think I’m crazy) but most likely because the microwave itself is possessed by some joke playing entity. I’d like to think that rather than it is defective and I have to return it. Just to be on the safe side they did install a new circuit in case that was defective.
The hole in the hallway is going to be patched over, however the one in the dining room can not be patched because it is a junction box and if they ever need to access the wires they need to know where they are. I’m just going to piss everyone off and paint over it when the room gets painted. They are however going to put a cover that matches the rest of the décor.
They are going to make the microwave shelf bigger so that it fits. Oddly I asked if they could do that almost a month ago and I was told no.
The plug that wasn’t working wasn’t working because apparently I have aluminium wiring in parts of the house and in fact on this plug. Well it tends to break when it gets too hot and did so in this case on the ground wire which prevented the plug from working.
The more I think about it the more I don’t think I’m going to get someone in to inspect the electrical work. I don’t want to go through the hassles and I’m feeling better now that things are resolved.
They argued about weather or not I had paid for the fan remotes to be installed into the walls. My argument was that I had paid to have the fan remotes installed in the fan, doesn’t that count for them to be installed in the walls since it said right in the PO that I had paid to get them done. It shouldn’t matter that they go in the wall or not. In the end I won. They are now in, and I’m so grateful and perfectly placed too. The one I was worried about turns out to be perfectly at elbow level so if I’m carrying something I can just swing my hand around and hit the button without any vertical movement.
I don’t think they looked at the fuse box today to see which ones were miss numbered. It’s nothing I can’t do really; I just don’t see why I should have to. Of course since it is now a switch and not a hide and seek fuse I can just look for the tripped circuit and flip it back.
The cook top, they gave me 100 $ back for damages. That was nice of them. So far they have given me roughly 700 $ in free work. I feel bad for complaining when I remember that.
I was told today that they have heard of cases where it took people over a year to get their kitchen done, and the difference between me and them was that I complained, not only that but I did it nicely, not threatening to sue them or be all pissy as they put it.
So now all the electrical work is done other than a few things which need work or parts such as the extension of the microwave shelf.
They were really nice. The kitchen lady, boss man, and the head electrician were here, along with two of the big bosses. They understood as to why I was pissed off and frustrated.
They really understood why I was complaining after I dropped the time bomb. Today was the 41st day of construction; there were 6 days of actually work. Fiver of them on days 3 thru 7 and one more day around day 25 (give or take a day). Combine that with me being told there would be someone back roughly 20 days ago and no one showed up and I heard nothing.
They actually thanked me for being so understanding and polite through this. Getting things like that when I complain always make me feel good. I could have been an asshole to them but I know that doesn’t get anything done, and if so; defiantly not their top quality work.
Wow that was a lot about the kitchen today. I feel so much better now though. No longer do I have to worry about the work that could be done, getting done, nor being held up because of work that could be done. I hate wasting time, effort, and money. Today saved all three.
Steph finished her first clinical today and was glad it was over. She was more emotional than she though she would be about it.
The job she was offered seems to sound a little different every time she tells me about it. While it is still the night shift (11 pm to 7 am) now it may be on call or temporary, or part time. I’m not really sure anymore. I keep telling her she needs a full time job. Temporary or not doesn’t matter as long as she can save at least 1,000 $ a month for school and have spending money for herself.
I don’t know how I did it. I managed to stay awake from about 11 pm last night until about 4 pm today. Then I crashed until about 11:30 pm tonight. I barely remember getting up to show Steph how to cook the hamburgers.
My new hamburger recipe was a flop. I know what was wrong with it. I knew as I was making them what was wrong with them. I’m now attempting to hope the meat loaf which is being made with the left over uncooked patty meat will turn out decently edible. Steph didn’t want to hurt my feelings by telling me she chucked part of her burger. I did the same with mine. The texture was all wrong. They were tasty but the nasty texture made it almost inedible.
I’m almost done Pearl Moon and I can’t believe I read nearly 400 pages of this written diareaha however the story is interesting; Damn it. revolutioninmyeyes Said it best when she said that it is like a soap opera. Something you hate to watch for the bad acting, hate to admit you watch because it’s stupid, childish, and corny; yet you are drawn to it for the cheesy plot just to find out the ending.
So in an attempt to ensure the air conditioning works (before the + 30 Celsius or near 100 degrees F) and it is so fucking cold in my house now it isn’t funny. The thermostat is in the hottest room in the house under direct sunlight from about noon till sundown so to get that room cold, the rest of the house is an icebox. I sometimes have to turn the heater on in the basement in July and the air conditioner in the rest of the house. It doesn’t help that the exposed pipes brining in the cold air run though the basement unexposed. Seems a little funny to me. That I have to run the heater, not that the pipes go through the basement.
I have lost my ability to create. I wish I knew where it went. I used to be brilliant at writing, and creating fictional characters in an unreal world and melding the two into a great short story.
Even with the modern tools to help sort through everything needed to create a novel or lengthy story I find myself unable to find that spark of creativity. To any one out there who wishes to write but has problems organizing, and planning I recommend Dramatica Pro. I’ve used it well looked at it and it has helped. I have a cast of thousands with no play to perform in.
Steph thinks I’ve become a homosexually because I’ve been listening to show tunes lately. In reality I just miss going to plays, operas, symphonies, rare performances by the various legends that come to town.
Well my meat loaf will be ready in about 30 minutes. Fuck it’s freezing down here. I need to go put some clothes on.