Friday, June 03, 2005
Action tomorrow or else…
Kitchen update day # 40 - yep a month and 10 days ago this saga started, and still the electrical work which should have been completed is not. I have an appointment tomorrow at 2 pm with the contractors who contracted the electrical company to come in and see first hand what’s going on. Boy am I prepared for them. I though of having my lawyer present but I figured that was a bit much for a first meeting. I have drawn up a list of things to be fixed and put a firm time frame in place with an explanation rather than just saying I’ll sue you jerkwads. Well here’s the note I’m going to be hand delivering to them when they come.
Friday, June 23, 2005
- The electrical outlet on the pantry wall does not work
- The hole in my dinning room wall is to be patched, and the wall painted to match the rest of the Dining room
- The microwave trips the circuit breaker this is unacceptable
- The electrical socket the microwave plugs into is in an unsatisfactory place
- I want the microwave cabinet replaced
- The light switch in the front hall way is to be removed and the hole fixed
- During the most recent visit by the electrician, he chipped my ceramic cook top by placing a removed door and other items on the ceramic cook top. While it is not a serious chip, damage was done
- The remotes for the fans are to be installed
- The fuse box which was installed by the electricians is improperly marked. At least two of the written descriptions for the corresponding fuse numbers are wrong
- I do not trust the work done by the electrician (as so far the work has proven substandard) and request an independent electrician to check the work after it is done and certify in writing that the work is up to standards and if not, repaired to proper standards
As of June 10, 2005 some of the electrical work will be holding up progress in completing the kitchen.
Failure to have this list completed by Monday June 13, 2005 (not including any shipped items which will be installed within 3 days of their arrival to the property), I will be seeking any and all means necessary to have the work competed as quickly as possible.
Well I guess now it is wait and see at three what happens. All I know is that I’m through playing games; finally the big boys are showing up. Someone I can deal and negotiate with. I haven’t decided if I’m going to complain about the past or just merely work to solve the problem. I’m not sure any good can come from bashing the electrician at this point.
Anyhow on with my frustrating day. I spent the better part of the day with an internet yo-yo. It keeps cutting out for a few minutes, or hours and then comes back. I called the company and they told it was a system wide problem and they would work on it. So far that hasn’t happened and that was this morning or rather yesterday morning at this point.
Other than that my day I guess was quite. I used my new indoor grill for the first time on something other than hotdogs. I made chick, corn, and asparagus. I didn’t quite time the corn right, and that lead to the chicken being slightly over cooked but all in all it wasn’t too bad.
Yea I lead an exciting life. I’m almost done that stupid but addicting romance novel. It isn’t bad. I’m off to meditate. Something I need to more of. I have great psychic power, I just never seem to listen to my guides or trust them or something. They have never let me down when I do listen to them.